Greetings From Singapore... My name is Brian Cook (my friends call me Cookie). I'm originally from Kentucky, but have been living in Signapore for the last 4 years, with stints in Thailand and a few other countries prior. I'm in the aviation industry. I love to cook, and my wife and I take cooking classes whenever we travel (most of which is in Southeast Asia). We have become pretty proficient in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. We love spicy food, and the flavors in this part of the world are very complex, and we love to experiment. Yesterday, with much help and coordination from Dennis, we took delivery of "Cookie's Monster." A beautiful dark metallic bronze Gen II OTB. I consider it a pretty complex delivery, it had to be lifted off of a flatbed by crane in front of our condo facility, be wheeled through the underground carpark to our service lift, ride the lift to the 6th floor, and then be carried to our rooftop terrace on the 7th floor. Needless to say, I could see many things going wrong, but nothing did, and as you can see in the photo, the Monster is sitting pretty, ready to go at some stage this weekend. I look forward to being an active participant in the forums. Nice to "meet" everyone. Cookie