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About wal

  • Rank
    Junior Member


  • Location
    dublin ireland
  • Interests
    bbq etc
  • Occupation
    sales [ but sort of semi retired ]
  1. J D your honesty is refreshing, however, do you think it's going to get you a job?
  2. Hi Curly,No, no more explosions.Truthfully, all the problems were caused by ignorance as opposed to equipment failure. However, no more of that Concerning my current problem, now that i have the means i'm going to fix it as soon as it stops raining[ weeks, months?] who knows, well, it is the emerald isle. By the way, how come you guys get on the forum so early in the day? am i the only one who works for a living?
  3. Hi All, I'm Wal, i'm a member, but a seldom poster I blame the time difference[ being in Ireland, 5 hours ahead of the east coast doesn't help with keeping up with threads] well thats my excuse However my recent experience with Dennis has to be reported. I am the owner of an RJ K9 of Indonesian extraction, and recently i had the old problem of a seized top damper. I resolved this in the time honored fashion[light a very large fire etc] and got the damn thing loose. However, when i unscrewed it to clean the threads i dropped it, naturally, onto concrete breaking about 15 tiles.I emailed Dennis and without hesitation he offered me replacement tiles FREE OF CHARGE. these duly arrived complete with grout, cement and adhesive.All this and i'm not even a customer!!! I know all you forum members will not be surprised at this, but it must be recorded and acknowledged. This level of service is unheard of[at least in the world of ceramic cookers] If Dennis does this kind of thing when i'm not a customer what can i look forward to when i eventually spend some money with him Again Dennis, take a bow. YOU THE MAN
  4. You silver tongued ol' devil, i had'nt intended to, but you talked me into it
  5. Absolutely not !!! but for some strange reason I have a terrible headache this morning
  6. Curly, the only butt rub worth having is Preparation H
  7. Yeh' i'm going to license it to RJ
  8. And this is even lower!!!
  9. i know this lowers the tone, but what the hell!!!
  10. Hi all, I'm a new member of the forum,[been reading it for a while] and just want to say with regard to charcoal, try to get an Australian product called"HEATBEADS". This stuff burns very hot with very little smoke{which is good when you have neighbors close] and because of it's high heat potential is great for searing meat
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