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Well worth the money and time!!!

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Well, I've had my KK since last summer, but was not able to fully use it until recently due to moving from KC to Denver. Wanted to keep it all packed up for the move :)

so the new neighbors are like "what you doing with a kiln on your front stoop"....I just laugh...tell them Dennis's story, how I got it, it's construction, etc.

well...one neighborhood cookout later (6 racks of baby back ribs and a few vieggie patties) and they were all sold on it. I've done filets at 700 degrees easily..turn out excellent! I love this cooker and the plan was for it to be the last one I ever buy...so Dennis...Make sure all the future upgrades are RECTRO compatible!!!

I just ordered a Stoker (should be on my door stoop this friday)...I'm a techy geek kinda guy...so it's just a nice to have item :)

if anyone is hesitant to buy this cooker based on origin or finances..DON'T BE!!! I'm one of the most skeptical guys out there and Dennis made a believer out of me! It's not even his "primary money making business" and he puts a lot of effort towards making it for us.

Thanks Dennis!


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Welcome back man. Glad the move went OK.

I've been lurking quite a bit. Season is about to start back up...I've bought 5 large bags of lump (green egg was the best I could find locally)...speaking of which...where is our KK lump!!!

cooking will commence now. the convection of Denver air is a bit different than KC humidity...it makes for a better cook once you adjust for boiling point and what not.


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he he...I found out about their sports affiliation FROM the QUE invite!!!

the raiders guy might actually be moving back to California this summer. So let's cross our fingers I get lucky and get another chiefs fan.

It's nice to see that there ARE chiefs fans in Denver (I used to see a lot of Denver fans in KC). I feel I should go up to those jersey wearing fans at HD/Lowes and what not and just randomly invite them over for some Q....just for their team affiliation...besides..who else but a KC native (in my area) would enjoy Q more!



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If You Are A Little Geeky You Will Love The Stoker!

Well actually if you are not you probably will still love it. As and EE and Communications Architect, I just love it. Have it hooked up to my wireless network. In fact as I am typing I am monitoring two chickens as they cook! It is a way cool device. Got mine a while ago and just upgraded the software to Version 2.X. The upgrade was free and a big improvement in functionality....

Last winter I was running the KK from my laptop in front of the fireplace while it cooked away in below freezing temps...just tooo cool...


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Re: If You Are A Little Geeky You Will Love The Stoker!

Well actually if you are not you probably will still love it. As and EE and Communications Architect, I just love it. Have it hooked up to my wireless network. In fact as I am typing I am monitoring two chickens as they cook! It is a way cool device. Got mine a while ago and just upgraded the software to Version 2.X. The upgrade was free and a big improvement in functionality....

Last winter I was running the KK from my laptop in front of the fireplace while it cooked away in below freezing temps...just tooo cool...


I was looking at using a wireless game adaptor to convert the rj45 to wireless...is that what you did?

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