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Help! Should I toss my cured brisket?

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Hi there.  I need help deciding what to do.    I decided to try to make a pastrami.  I bought a 16 lb brisket, cured it for 7 days, put a rub on, and put it in my 19” smoker at 225F at 1:30 a.m.  I feel asleep and my smoker went out an hour later and my Signals didn’t alarm for some reason.  The meat temp progressively dropped from 130F-93F as did the temp (was 95F) when I woke up to at 7:30 a.m.  The meat got to a max of 130F (which I’m also suspicious of…can a brisket flat go from room temp to 130F in an hour?) I rekindled my fire and it’s back to 225F…I put the cured brisket back on…would you continue or throw it out?  I only ask because it was cured…but was also at 95F-130F for 4 hrs.  Please let me know what you think.  I appreciate your words of wisdom. 

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Obviously the safe answer is to toss it and do another, but personally I find that to be overly cautious. The KK is not exactly loaded with bacteria after a 225F long term burn and you're bringing it back up to a safe temperature. I'd follow my nose - if it smells and looks OK it'll probably be fine. But I may not eat it if I had an important meeting the next day, just in case :)

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