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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Tekobo, you have a nice smoke ring on your meat.
  2. Have you seen the new system from Thermoworks, the RFX?
  3. Bought some ground bison meat and started out making burgers but plan soon changed into meatloaf.
  4. I'm not sure which one is "Goldilocks".
  5. Yes, that will give an inkling of just how fantastic it will be will when done in pebbles.
  6. Now let's see what you can first.
  7. Wow, that is spectacular and it has been years and years since I've seen that nice white interior. Something else you are going to notice is the improvement in flavour. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  8. Looks very tasty, David. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  9. Please keep working on getting your pixs to show here, we'd love to see them.
  10. Wow, Tekobo was on a road trip pushing KK accessories. Mission accomplished. πŸ‘πŸ‘ Sure sounds like the cooks were a tasty success, well that is until you mentioned someone cooking one of my squirrels. πŸ₯Ή
  11. Gees, sorry to hear about your leg. At least you are on the up hill using a walker. All going here as well as can be expected. Glad to hear that you will still have access to the forum, chime in we'd love to hear from you. Stay safe. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  12. Bruce it was nice to hear from you, I think of you often. Good luck with the charcoal and I'm sure your daughter will do you proud with the KK. You've had many cooks together with her. Hope all goes well with your Senior Home, save a space for the rest of us, we are on the way.
  13. dj-dj, please show us the results of your Challenger adventure.
  14. I see you are dining in style, Tony, that's the only way to go. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  15. Last evening I decided to do individual meatloaves, wild rice and freshly picked spinach for dinner. Got the KK fired up- Meatloaf on the KK. Done, I know the pix is not the best but... Plated. The wild rice was very fine, about the size of the lead in a pencil. It's amazing what it turns into.
  16. I love camping in the wilderness.
  17. I couldn't get this post out of my mind all day. Only cure for that. Dug out my 8 inch, I think it is, Solo and fired it up. Then went hunting for something to cook, I was pretty sure there were burgers in the freezer but could only find a smash burger. Solo lit. Dressed up but didn't have any cheese that wasn't frozen. It was awesome, I've got to do this again and soon.
  18. I'm being pushed over the edge to get a rotisserie chicken going by those two lovely looking chickens.
  19. Did another bacon KK cook, it tastes just wonderful can't get enough of this. Did a 20+ pound smoke on Fri, half for me and half for friends. Sliced my share today and the house smells wonderful. Here are a few pix, nothing special, except the bacon. The following is bacon from my last smoke and the pix is this morning's Breakfast. st I now have 9 packages just like this one in the freezer, should see me thru until the fall. I had a few bites and piece left that I will use for soups or pizza..
  20. and to me too.
  21. Remi, wow, lovely dinner. πŸ‘ πŸ‘
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