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Dennis, More Pictures Please!!

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I hope your vision for this forum is realized and surpassed! Meanwhile, I want more pictures, either here, or on your site! I am TOTALLY just window-shopping, but the more I see, the more I like! Thanks for the pic you sent of the Textured Classic! I'm probably in the minority, but I prefer the look to the tiles. Amazing. Almost no seam. It's hard to describe outside of the term CLEAN. No prop tubes, no outside bands, just sleek! I showed it to a friend of mine, and he agreed; looks almost Batmobile-ish. 8)

Anyhow, I'd like to see some close-up pics of the gasketing on the upper flue and the dome, so I can see how they fit together to produce that seal. I had seal problems with my K at the beginning, and I'd like to see how you've solved the problem.

Dennis, I know you HAVE to be cooking on one of these bad boys as well. How about some cooking photos with you and your KomodoK! Anyhow, great site, wanting to see this forum get hopping too! Thanks for putting up with my constant query-ing and requests for pics! I doubt I'll let up for awhile, unfortunately... :wink:

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Re: Dennis, More Pictures Please!!

Oooh, where is that photo of the Textured Classic?


I hope your vision for this forum is realized and surpassed! Meanwhile, I want more pictures, either here, or on your site! I am TOTALLY just window-shopping, but the more I see, the more I like! Thanks for the pic you sent of the Textured Classic! I'm probably in the minority, but I prefer the look to the tiles. Amazing. Almost no seam. It's hard to describe outside of the term CLEAN. No prop tubes, no outside bands, just sleek! I showed it to a friend of mine, and he agreed; looks almost Batmobile-ish. 8)

Anyhow, I'd like to see some close-up pics of the gasketing on the upper flue and the dome, so I can see how they fit together to produce that seal. I had seal problems with my K at the beginning, and I'd like to see how you've solved the problem.

Dennis, I know you HAVE to be cooking on one of these bad boys as well. How about some cooking photos with you and your KomodoK! Anyhow, great site, wanting to see this forum get hopping too! Thanks for putting up with my constant query-ing and requests for pics! I doubt I'll let up for awhile, unfortunately... :wink:

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Because of this the textured are not built..

Have you run a search for Textured Classic?

I've probably removed them to prevent people from wanting to order them..

They were problematic as well as too much work.

To get the seams from the molds filled and block sanded takes two guys about a week.. The new material would work but be expensive and a massive headache..

Because of this the textured are not built..


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