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Forum idle time too short for me

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Fetzer, no I haven't checked the box.

I like providing my credentials when I start. That way my password stays fresh in my mind. Otherwise if I don't use it often, then log on from someone elses machine, chances are I'll have forgotten my password. I'm good at that. Army requires upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special charachters all be contained in the password. So it's become habit, but hard to remember. Then want us to change every 6 months; sometimes sooner. Eeek!

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Actually that is not even an option to change nor is it even noted anywhere in the admin setup area. I will leave mine open and see, but I have never noticed that happening to me before. But I also use the remember me feature....so that maybe why.

And I know what you mean about the crazy password stuff....same deal for me working at a DOE site except I have 6 separate password protected systems I routinely access....argh!!

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Thanks for checking on it DJ. And thanks for the tips guys. Not a big deal, just thought if it were something easy.

Nice software it's just too bad they don't give SA's more control options.

I used to write code, maybe that's it. I'm used to having the options. Like cursor placement; another option you probably don't control. We used to place the cursor in the starting text box by default. Here I notice navagating windows, upon arrival I first have to click the mouse to get the cursor in the text box. I always expect it to be there, so I start typing. Few keystrokes you soon realize your charachters are going nowhere. :lol:

I know....... techies.... :roll:

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