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Tough decision at the butcher today

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Prime Tri-tip or Wagyu Brisket, went with the Brisket :) Opted for a flat vs. packer since it will only be four of us for dinner and I really don't need another vac sealed point in the freezer. Can't wait do do this baby tomorrow. Going to go 210 over a piece of pecan.


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Well great minds think alike, I have a 14# SRF packers cut brisket that I'm planning on for tomorrow..

I figure I'll start it at about 4:AM and it should be ready to go by 6 - 7PM. Planning on cooking it at 225 until it gets to about 160 and then wrap it in foil.

This is my first try at this I have been reading everything I can on how to cook this, I think by now I'm over thinking the process (What can I say I'm a Virgo) :?

I have read that I should trim the fat, leave the fat alone, trim some of the fat, cook it fat side up, no wait fat side down :!:

Whats a guy to do. I will try to take pictures and upload them.. :D

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I usually go 325 indirect on my Tri-tips. Between 118 and 125ish I'll pull, crank up the KK and reverse sear for two minutes on each side. Then I rest tenting foil for about 10 min.

Here's a prime Tri-tip I did last week. I didn't reverse sear as I let the temp get away from me and was afraid a sear may push her into med doneness which doesn't work around here :)




Here's the graph on today's brisket cook. I'm just over 5 hours in:


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Thanks, I'll have to try a Tri-tip on the KK. I usually do them on the Weber(I know sacrilege and I'll go say hail Mary's for a while.. :oops: ) But that's the way I learned to cook them.

Well I'm getting ready to get up at 2:00AM to start the grill and put my brisket on by three. Wish me luck.


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Well TNT I hope you have better results than I did, one of my worst brisket efforts in quite some time. I've had just as good results with a select packer at high heat as I did with this piece of garbage. I'm honestly thinking about going to to butcher on Monday and complaining.

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First Flat

No, this was my first flat only. Did a lot of reading and asking questions, thought I had a good handle on it. I honestly think maybe I got a bad cut. I even foiled this thing to insure a tender brisket. Gave her plenty of time to cook etc.

I'm thinking of calling my butcher tomorrow and expressing my disappointment and asking if they have an arrangement with Snake River Farms where they could receive credit for a not up to snuff cut of meat. I don't want my butcher to take the hit on it as he's just the middle man. My butcher knows me, I've been going there for about 8 years, knows I've never returned a cut of meat and knows I buy briskets there all the time so I know how to cook them.

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Very sorry to hear that being a newbie here I'm wishing for better luck.

I put mine on a 3:00AM cooking it a 225. I have the meat probe set to 165 and when it goes off I'll foil it for the rest of the cook. I have a space reserved in the fridge so when it's done I can cool it down.

I'll post pictures and results when it's done....


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I couldn't get her tender, tried foiling her etc. and she never got tender. Once plated you needed to use a steak knife to cut the meat vs. a fork like all the other briskets I've done. Typically this cut will literally melt in your mouth, not this one.

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Well mine is hanging out at about 155 for the last two hours, I guess this is the the point that I normally give up and raise the temp but after reading the messages on the forum I'm waiting it out. Since I started early I have time before people start showing up.....

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Re: First Brisket

Well my first packer cut brisket is done. I think it came out well, lots of flavor, and lots of juice.


and it had a good smoke ring..


My thanks to everyone that helped....


Great smoke ring.. Congrats..

It's a great feeling to nail your first brisket.. especially when you hear about all the problems people have with them..


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