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New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL

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I was so excited to take delivery of my new KK yesterday!!! It is now in my garage partially uncrated, waiting for me to move it to its permanent place in my backyard. I was eyeing a kamado style grill for a few years and was about to pull the trigger on a BGE. Prior to doing so, I googled "best kamado cooker" and was introduced to the KK. Once I started reading the reviews and dialoguing with Dennis, I knew this was the grill for me!!!

I enjoy reading everyone's posts and would appreciate any advice you can share as I get ready to set-up/use my new KK. Looking forward to sharing great KK stories... :)

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Re: New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL

Hello and welcome, my first mistake was not enough charcoal in the basket, fill it up. When your done cooking and shut it down, you will have quite a bit left to use again, just add more when you do your next cook. I just did 6 8 lb pork butts over the weekend, used Dennis's ecc charcoal, i ended up cooking for almost 24 hrs total time ( i did some smaller stuff after the butts were done) and i still had half a basket of charcoal left, amazing!!

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Re: New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL

I recommend you contact Johnny and get a cover made.

Also, after you have shut the cooker down and it has fully cooled, open the top damper up 1/4-1/2 turn. I have found this to prevent any moisture/mold on the interior. I usually do this step the next morning before the sun hits it.

Oh and one more bit of advice.. ENJOY!

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Re: New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL

Wow! Congratulations. I remember the excitement of receiving mine. I was unwilling to put off the uncrating until I could get help, so I did it all by myself. NOT RECOMMENDED BY DENNIS!!! I happen to be a very strong and resourceful person, who is as stubborn as he is either. It took me about two hours, start to finish. You will love your KK. Welcome to the family.

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Re: New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL

I was unwilling to put off the uncrating until I could get help' date=' so I did it all by myself. NOT RECOMMENDED BY DENNIS!!!.[/quote']

good to know I was not the only one.......

There were a few tense moments

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