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New to KK forum

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Hi All,

I'm a newbie here, just finalizing my first KK order with Dennis, and already I am discovering what a great person he is to deal with! I have selected one of the 23" Komodos from the shipment scheduled to arrive in L.A. on May 25. So, I've been reading as much as I can here for the past few days, and it seems like it's time to introduce myself.

We've used gas grills for the past 20+ years to grill steaks, veggies, ribs, burgers (the typical backyard stuff) but the versatility, outstanding build quality and reputation of the KK is drawing me back to charcoal. In the past several years I've also been baking breads and pizzas on a stone in my home oven, so I'm hoping the KK can also double as the outdoor brick oven I've been dreaming of having...and it will be great to move that heat outside! We live in S. Louisiana where, aside from the heat, our humidity makes the stainless steel on the KK a huge advantage over cast iron parts on some of the other kamados available. Combined with the KK's legendary build quality, asthetics, and customer support it just seems like the right choice for us.

It's great to know that this forum exists to help me through the learning process as I begin to use a KK. Thanks, in advance, for all your shared experiences and insights!


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Re: New to KK forum

Your Gasser will be used for storage of the KK Grills.

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing about its SS cabinet perhaps making a good storage for the KK grills!

Which one did you get ?

I chose the Dark Autumn Nebula, hoping the darker tiles and grout won't show the eventual smoke stains as readily. But those rich blues surely had me salivating! Actually, I could have tossed a dart and been happy with any color it landed on.

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Re: New to KK forum

Welcome to the family! Regarding the brick oven question, there are certainly applications for the KK that will rival a brick oven. KKs bake great pizzas, breads, pies and cobblers. On a sunny day, when the KK is sitting unused in the sun, you can use it to proof your breads. I bet it would be a great home for a good sourdough sponge! If you use Dennis' coco charcoal, you may even get away with baking certain kinds of cakes, depending on your taste buds. Experiment, and above all, enjoy the journey! ;)

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