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General comments and Customer Service

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I first got interested in these types of cookers about 2 1/2 years ago. I was in a BBQ store and was looking at gas grills to buy one that day when I heard the guy that worked at the store raving about these things to a customer, he owned one and so did the other guy that worked there and the way they went on and on about them I could not help but be interested. Obviously it was not this particular cooker but it got me interested so I went home and started doing some research. I had some financial situations that had to take priority.

I felt like each of the companies I considered then had some advantages and disadvantages and I had to choose which of the things I did not like would work out better for me. I remember when I first became aware of this company I was hesitant to consider it because it was new and I have had some bad experiences that have left me very cautious. A couple years later and the company is still here and taking shape and the owner of the company has treated his customers very well.

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This cooker will make it easy

Rojack, don't worry about "starting from square one" these cookers make it VERY easy to cook. Just fire it up, get the temp. regulated, put the food in and then leave it till its done. It almost takes all the fun out of it. The hard part is not opening the lid to check it every 10 mins. (a big no no). I've been cooking on one for many years and its almost impossible to ruin a meal. These cookers are very forgiving. Enjoy!!

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Customer Service

I have to say it is great to see the very good responses for the customer service received from this company. Customer service is an important part of my buying decision. I was seriously considering one company who sells a very popular cooker and was frustrated at some of the things that were not as they seemed. That is another issue.

I contacted them to ask about a situation due to comments I had seen on their forum. I will cut and paste my questions and their response below without the header but I do have that information.

My local dealer is hours away round trip by car. I would prefer to order through the factory. If I ordered from the factory and the cooker arrived and I lit it and the firebox cracked due to a defect or something similar happened due to a defect would I have to pay additional shipping charges to replace a defective part after already paying for the product and shipping?

Some of the forum members thought that even though this situation I mentioned would have been a defect right out of the box that most people should be happy to get a replacement of the defective part for only the cost of additional shipping.

Here is the response I got from the company below.

(This would apply only if you were to buy the product...of course.)

I had stated that i would have already paid for it and for shipping so I would expect it would only apply if I bought it.

(I suppose that we would review the case and in good faith we could possibly honor your request.)

So the answer was I suppose and possibly.

When I asked Dennis the same question I was told I would not pay additional shipping charges under those circumstances.

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