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Go to smoking woods

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I cooked a whole one on Friday (sorry, no pics as I had house guests to entertain). Grass fed beef from local farmers' market. All day marinade in mustard/Santa Maria rub. Cooked on the main grill @ 350F dome until 130F internal temp (about 45 minutes) over red oak staves. Perfect medium. Great flavor. Would have liked a touch more bark, but again was still super tasty.


Thanks again for the advice, Normstar!

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I store mine in large plastic bags with the tops tied.  The wood from fruita is not dried out at all like the stuff you buy in your local stores.  I've never had a problem with it molding or anything like that, it isn't that 'wet,' it is just really fresh / good smelling stuff.


My personal favorite (currently) = peach.


I was recently home in Kentucky for a visit.  My parents bought me some wood chunks that were recently cut from real barrels used at Jim Beam.  I can't wait to try those on some beef.

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