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First post, first sous vide cook

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Thanks kindly!

These birds are a good 2lbs and plenty of fat so I basically cook them until the legs are about to fall off and they come out great!

It's a girl by the way (Angelina or Angie for short) and she's not looking like making an appearance anytime soon... Thankfully the wife is pretty comfortable so no urgency there. We have the out-laws down to help out and I'm working from home so SWMBO is loving being waited on hand and foot!

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Thanks. Not really a process here but it sure helps me.

Memory is going down hill somewhat. So I try to compensate. Thanks. I really like the way you do things. Am so looking forward to your post.

Pics of the cooking units help me with placement etc.  All small stuff but helpful to those going from the known to the unknown.

You will love the low and slow.  KK is like an old coal stove. Master the dampers and you master the temps.

Its all about draft.  Lower vent for heat - Top vent for smoke.  Low and slow starts with small fire (baseball) fire right in middle of Komodo Kamado.

I use long Weed Eater (Harbour Freight).  I always start with full basket and NO ash in basket.

My first 2-3 cooks I used NO product. Boy that was hard.

If it helps - I would buy the unit that will handle the largest cook I would ever do. Reunions, meetings, etc.  At some place in the future I would decide which one of the smaller units would best fill my tiny cooks. (vacations, camping etc)

Welcome aboard glad you decided on Dennis and Komodo Kamado. The odds are you will never again meet anyone like him.

If he tells you a tree is going to fall move before the damm thing hits you.

Again thank you for your consideration for an old man.

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Hey Ken, been meaning to mention that I finally opened my bag of FOGO. Been using it for the last several cooks. Huge chunks in the bag. Impressive. Burns great too. A tad difficult to light, even with the propane torch, but not as tough as CocoChar. Only negative so far is that when lighting it with the torch, it pops and sends sparks flying everywhere. It's like lighting a whole string of firecrackers!! Caught one on the arm last night - ouch!   :mad:

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