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Hi everyone

I just purchased one of the "Komodos for every budget" cookers. I currently have a K7 that has seen better days. It needs frequent band adjustments and has a big crack in the back. I thought that I was going to have to sell the K7 in order get the KK, but thanks to the "Komodos for every budget deal", I was able to get one. Pretty hard to sell a K7 when I have to tell them about the crack in it, the band adjustments, and the lack of customer service.

Anyhow, I can't wait to get a look at the OTB. I've been wanting one of these for about a year now and am pretty excited that I was able to get one.

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Welcome! You wont know what to do when your KK arrives! A quality product, promptly shipped, and genuine customer service...It will take you a little getting used to since you have a mexi-k :shock::D

Many of us have, or have had mexi-Ks, so we know your ordeal. Its okay to tell yourself it will be better this time around, because it WILL. In return, we expect plenty of pictures when it arrives. :D

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Re: Welcome

Yep a few of us have the other K's too! I have a K3, old indo K7, and the KK Supreme OTB. I still use the #3 for quick grills but never the old K! The KK from Dennis is just so much better!


I tried for about a year to buy a K3. I had, of course, put down my 50% but just never could seem to get anyones attention to actually send me the cooker. Finally just asked for a refund, and got it after a while.

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Re: Hi Everyone

I thought that I was going to have to sell the K7 in order get the KK' date=' but thanks to the "Komodos for every budget deal", I was able to get one. Pretty hard to sell a K7 when I have to tell them about the crack in it, the band adjustments, and the lack of customer service.[/quote']

have to say that i can relate to these difficulties! of course, i kinda took one for the team, so to speak, by making my difficulties a bit "high profile". was still hoping that maybe i could sell Kong off due to his celebrity status, but no dice. did get one call, but managed to talk the guy out of it (yes really); guess i'm my own worst enemy. just wanted to be up front and honest about everything, and that was all it took. i guess i just cant see trying to sell Kong to somebody when i've an entire website warning people of the dangers :oops:

yep, it's still there http://www.porkchopbbq.com

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