I've posted several times about using a converted cast iron dutch oven as a smoking pot. It works well and has the advantage that you can put it on top of coals at the beginning, then add your grates/deflectors/drip pan and not worry about disassembly/reassembly when time to put on the meat. The cast iron take time to heat up to the point where the smoke generation starts, so you don't worry about burning up your wood chunks too quickly. It produces a steady smoke - no worries about distributing chunks in the coals that may/may not ever burn and it doesn't affect the temperature control at all. The holes in the bottom direct the smoke back into the fire, so any volatiles are burned off, producing a clean smoke. My only downside is that it's a bit messy setting up - you use a flour/water paste to seal the lid on the dutch oven. However, no complaints on how it works on longer lo & slo cooks (brisket, butts, ribs).
I'm curious to hear how this pellet tube does on very low (cold) smoking applications where the dutch oven might not work well. If folks find that this new gadget works for them, my favorite source for wood chunks (www.fruitawoods.com) also sells chips and pellets.