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Posts posted by LeadDog

  1. Forklift. :) You can't live without one and home is 130 acres of farm/ranch so it sees a lot of work.

    I for the longest time I was going to do Pizza first but changed my mind when someone suggested fruit. I was going to do a cake or pie but then I noticed that the Persimmon were ripe and thought Persimmon bread would be a good first try. Someone cooked my Persimmons yesterday and it was suggested I do something simple like Chicken for the first cook. That sounds good to me because I will not mind if I burn a chicken up.

    Dennis did you hide a thermometer in the cooker somewhere? I didn't find one.

    Anyway off to work again for another long day. :(

  2. I got home today and my cooker was waiting for me.

    Here is a picture of the cooker in the crate.


    I tried to get the crowbar out of the crate so that I could use it to take the crate apart but I couldn't get it out. I went and got a claw hammer and dismantled it. :)


    And 59 mins later I take this picture.


    It's dark and late so now I'll have to figure out what to cook on it tomorrow.

  3. Dennis says it is on the truck and the cooker should be here today, unless the truck gets hijacked.... :)

    I have been working at my current company for almost 4 years and today is the first time they have asked me to work more than 8 hours so I might not get home until late. I'll still try to get a picture or two of it. Guess what I'm thinking of doing this Saturday? 8)

  4. Curly remember the cookers name is Old Yellar. :) Yea I am looking forward to having meat taste better than it is right now but it is hard to image that meat could possibly taste batter than it is right now. It's going to happen soon. So what should I cook in it first?

  5. I unthawed some meat hoping my new KK would all of a sudden show up. :) It is still on the way but close I guess. I took the oak staves soaked in wine and ran it through a chipper so I could toss it on the fire right when I put the meat on the grill.

    Here is a picture of the wood chips.


    I really like how the chips worked with the lump. I just took a hand full and spread it over the coals.

    Now I have all of this smoke going and I slap the steaks on there and start cooking.

    Picture of the meat cooking.


    Somewhere to my backside I here this droning noise and I wonder what could it be. I turn around and see a UFO coming right for me really slow. I check the direction of the wind and sure enough the smoke is blowing right to this Flying thing.

    Picture of the flying thing.


    I'm just glad they like the smell of the cooking. :) When it gets closer I see that it is the Snoopy Met Life Blimp. He waves to me and tells me I'm doing a great job.

    Picture of Snoopy flying by.


    Comment about the flight path. I have never seen a blimp fly in from that direction. My best guess is the blimp just flew in from Hawaii. In the past they have moored the blimps at our local airport.

    Oh and we had some of the new wine with the steaks and it is tasting really good. I guess I'll have to do a wine update soon. I'm thinking of bottling half of it next July or August. :)

  6. Doggit, I've been deleting files all day for naught :shock:.

    So, whens mustard sposed to be in?

    To late we already have all the info on you we need without the files. :)

    A little birdy asked me if I had a forklift to get the cooker off the truck so that the proper shipping could be arranged. I'll start a what shall I cook in it first thread when I hear more.

  7. That was a statement of the colors that Dennis had available in his cookers...before the brick became available :shock:

    But alright, I'm outta the color closet...I love most colors, even pink has it's place...just trying to give people a hard time on there choices :oops:

    Man...do I ever feel better :lol:

    I'm glad to see you embrace the colors Curly. Now we need to fix your memory. Dennis had a picture of a brick/terra-cotta cooker posted in the forum on 10/2/06. You made your statement about black and blue being the only manly colors on 11/13/06. What kind of time warp are you living in? :)

  8. These are black tails. Is this close enough for you?


    It is a picture of my next door neighbor skinning a deer that had a broken neck. The ears of the deer in the first picture are tipped right towards the camera. The ears look like normal deer ears to me.

    Deer and dogs: We had one dog that had a buck stick a horn in him and another one that had a doe defend her fawn from his curiosity. The deer will normally run from dogs because dogs are predators and deer are food. :)

  9. That's brick...very manly :D

    I thought Black and Blue were the only manly colors?

    You see when you start making fun of a person's colors I tend not to forget what a person has said. :)

    No, I was talkin to Cruz-in, I've seen your color.

    I've got blue, it's really the only non-gay color other than black. I got it already...got yours yet :shock:

    So Curly you have made conflicting statements. :) Curly embrace all of the colors, life would really be boring without all of them.

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