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Posts posted by LeadDog

  1. Ok time for part two. Here is a picture of the front half.


    Then a picture after I started cutting it apart.


    Here is the pile of meat after I was done cutting it all up.


    Wandered into my backyard? I live in the country and have a really large backyard. It died of a broken neck, no running into it with a bike. I think that might hurt.

    Estimated size? Over 150 pounds but under 175 pounds. It is the almonds that they eat that makes them so fat. I have eaten venison my whole life and can't imagine what life would be like without BBQed deer ribs, yum. :) Beef and pork are only just okay when compared to venison for me.

  2. Ingredients:

    1 cup of Raw Almonds

    4 cups of Water

    1 teaspoon of Vanilla

    1/2 to 1 whole Banana

    1 Tablespoon of Honey


    Cover the cup of Almonds with water and let soak over night.

    Drain the Almonds the next morning, ditch that water.

    Add the Almonds, 4 cups of water, Vanilla, Banana, and Honey to a blender and liquify.

    Drink up, it is really good.


    Use Paso Robles dry land farmed Almonds, they are much better than regular Almonds.

    Instead of using 4 cups of water use some ice also and the drink will be cold.

    Vary the amount of water to make the milk thinner or thicker.

    Use different fruits and spices.


    I will have Almonds in stock for sale later this year if you want to try this with Paso Robles dry land farmed Almonds.

  3. Thanks. Now can you install that mod that makes your post count go backwards and the one that lets you ignore people? :) And yes they do exist and have been done before.


    Totally mystified? I was just messing with you since you have so much time on your hands. :)

  4. Damn, ya lazy thing! Anyway, go to the main forum page. Just above who is online and you will see it!


    Thanks. Now can you install that mod that makes your post count go backwards and the one that lets you ignore people? :) And yes they do exist and have been done before.

  5. You know folks we have a winner! :) That is a Coastal Black Tail Deer. They don't get as large as Mule Deer.

    I got the saw fixed tonight so no more getting shocked as I cut the meet and a new saw blade was installed. I'm ready to cut up the rest of the deer and a half I have in the freezer.

  6. You know there is a door in the background of the first picture if you want something to scale the picture with.

    I'm working on a small s-rotor wind turbine but until then you can just pedal the bike hooked up to the generator. :)

    I know all of you are just waiting to see what the ribs look like.

  7. I was hoping to have more pictures today but found out that my dad had wired up the band saw wrong, I got a nasty shock last night. I'll have to rewire it before I cut any more meat up.

    None of you have guessed what the meat is. I guess I'll wait until I cut the front half up and post pictures before I tell you.

    @Sanny can't you see the tail in that picture? What are you implying?

  8. Ok I have a cooker out there somewhere and so I thought I had better get some meat ready to cook. :)

    Here is a picture of the back half before I satrted cutting it up.


    Then I cut it right down the backbone.


    I got the whole back half almost cut up and the saw blade broke so I didn't take any more pictures. I'll try to get some more shots when I cut up the rest of the meat.

  9. Ok I'm wiping the egg off of my face. The alcohol in the Ginger Beer made with honey was 1.09%. Just goes to show you can't trust everything you read and hear. The Ginger Beer with Honey was inoculated and then placed in the fridge 24 hours later. This is really a short amount of time for fermenting. Today this batch is even better there were a couple a variations I made on the original recipe that if anyone wants to try then here is the documentation.

    I replaced the sugar with 2 cups of Honey

    I used 3 Lemons for the Lemon Zest and Juice this time.

    2 Cinnamon sticks instead of one.

  10. Well' date=' you notice when Curly has a new one, or when Porkchop changes his. Hrumph! :smt105 And the "person" in MY picture has better teeth and a purtier outfit than some of THEIR choices! :smt061[/quote']

    You see they didn't change their avatars Drunk_J changed it for them. :) Your avatar looks very similar to your old one too so I wasn't 100% sure that you had changed it.

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