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Posts posted by primeats

  1. Being a corn fed Iowa boy, I'm big enough with a helper, but I'm also not so young any more, hopefully smarter. Seems like everytime I strain myself about a dozen hairs(gray now) jump off my head!

    Thanks everyone for your input

  2. That''s Levio-SAH, not levioSUH! Really looking for something to move from my store to a vehicle and to a persons home or a studio. I've looked at lift trucks and that might work, I'm cheap and don't want to spend that kind of dough!

  3. Does any one out there know of a great way to transport their KK, outside of the straps under the legs and lifting? I thought I read "somewhere" of a motorized cart that did this. Trying to eliminate damage moving my cooker from place to place. Thanks!

  4. I'd love to tr your marinade, maybe this weekend. Uhh, what was that rather dark looking liquid? looked like soy sauce but you called it something else. I might have a difficult time finding some of the ingredients!

  5. Sounds like you need an agent....If you need some 'stand-in' hands, Syzygies might be available....but i think he is union. :eek::D

    Sure I could use an agent( I can sing too) gotta go on an extreme diet or wear baggy clothes for the small screen! It truly puts on the pounds on air--especially next to the ultra thin talent I'm usually next to.

  6. By the way, very nice video productions Paul. I doubt what I'll be doing will be of the quality of your work. Just getting started in this field, and my publicist is workin' her tail off for me! Pretty tough to get a break in that biz unless you know someone, and the networks purge their staff on a seemingly regular basis!

  7. I will feature a KK on NBC Chicago for a 3 to 5 minute spot May 24th at 9:00 A.M., or so, and with permission from NBC, have a link to the spot, or post the video on youtube. This is going to be the first of many I plan to do on ABC and NBC. Trying like Hell to get on Ivillage here as well. Also WGN so my Mom can see me in Iowa. I just got bumped from the May 3rd spot, the darned Ellen show is being taped -how dare they! I didn't even get tickets for the show! I was thinking about showing some of our kabobs,before and after, maybe a pre Q'd pork butt, and some ribs. Gonna show how easy it is to shred the meat on the air! ( The crew loves us!) Now just have to make sure the cooker is all waxed up like Dennis's!

  8. Just guidelines, over 200 is probaly ok, just make sure the meat has formed the pellicle before adding smoke, or your product will not turn out as desired. Even if it's not perfect, the mistakes are usually pretty tasty! I was really suprised at how well the Montreal Seasoning from McCormick's turned out!

  9. I've used Legg's peppered jerky seasoning( A.C. Legg, inc Birmingham, Alabama)for the past 20 years or so, very good results. I've also used Montreal steak seasoning for my clients who are strict Atkins diet people--non sugar--. With each of these I prepare with sodium nitrite(pink salt, or quick cure, or Prague powder) one ounce per 25 lbs in a vacuum tumbler and dry in my smoke house for around 6 to 8 hours at 160/180 degrees. I'm sure you could do the same in the KK if you could somehow keep the heat low enough and the humidity low enough to dry it properly. But the smokiness is a definite taste benefit! You can soak the sliced meat if you don't have a tumbler, I usually use a12 to 20 % water to meat mixture along with the dry mix( for 25lbs meat use 13.5 oz dry mix,1 oz sodium nitrite 25.5 oz water for the tumbler,more for just soaking) tumble for 20 minutes under vacuum or marinate overnight keeping meat submerged.

    Place meat strips on a flat screen or hang on hooks and dry with a fan under low heat until the meat becomes tacky, almost dry-- the pellicle--

    you can then turn the heat up to 180 max, add smoke, and dry without fan for a few hours or until the meat takes on a dark caramel color and becomes nearly translucent when held of to the light( forgot to say slice the meat in 1/8 to 1/4 thick slices). I also like to spray my screens with Pam, or similar pan release before laying out the strips of meat, and lean meat works best(although the residual fat that may be present is delectable!)

  10. I don't have the EZQue(yet),but wouldn't you get the same no flare up result by using the heat deflector and the drip pan? you should get enough radiant heat from the top of the unit to brown the bird, I've had great results cooking a duck along side a small turkey, both had crisp skin.

  11. Tobias, the Guru you sold me seems to function fine, I took DJ's advise and bought a length of insulating sleeve material from Mcmaster-Carr. no more fried probe wires for me! I made it long enough so that I can tuck the temp probe inside when not in use, I could also just slide it outside the KK. I did file down the outer plate, tube slips in just fine now !

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