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Posts posted by skreef

  1. This is my Heritage cook for the guru challenge.

    I am Cherokee and English

    English on my Father side is Ancestered back to Samuel Prescott who rode with Paul Revere

    "The British are coming"

    One was killed by beheading and the other became lost in the woods..as the story goes..

    My Great grandmother was full bloodied Cherokee on my Daddy side and my Mother side.

    We are a part of the Eastern band Cherokee..which lives on the Reservation in North Carolina which we visit every year.

    So I dedicate my cook in memory of all those loss on the "Trail of Tears"


    I grew up eating lots of corn bread..This particular one reconize as the original recipe of the Cherokee People.

    Cherokee Bean Bread



    For my beans,I chose Pinto beans.

    Cooked 300* for 2 hours.


    Now time to mix Dry ingredients.


    Then add all wet ingredients in the dry ingredients


    Once my beans were done.I drained and folded them in.

    Then pour in a lightly greased dish


    Put on the grill with a temp of 425*

    for 35 mintes or so


    This is my plated shot:


    * cherokee didnt add salt.so I stuck to recipe. .we had gravy with this and the gravy was a bit salty..so it work great..but if no gravy..may want to add some salt.

    *Note: if adding salt..Dont omit egg or it will fall apart.

    Thanks for looking

  2. I'll say it was a complete success! Everything looks delicious from this end.

    Thank you...Poochie...I was glad it came out ok...I love making dessert..im really still full from dinner...but maybe I can eat one more bite of the cimmon bread for brunch...

    Your PB turned out great. Looks like it pulled perfectly.

    Pass a message along to Mrs.SK tell her that dessert looks fantastic to say the least. I'm glad that dessert is all the way in GA or else I'd be on my way over to the Bistro.

    I'm heat soaking my KK for a little Pepper wine beef picture to follow.

  3. Looks great!

    One more stupid question from the damn Yankee: I now know that cat head biscuits are named because of how they compare to, well, a cat’s head. Is serving it with maple syrup part of the cat head biscuit experience? Or can you put any topping/spread/butter/whatever on it?

    I mainly ask because I remember Mrs Skreef saying that she would make the biscuits if Bosco sent her some maple syrup, so I thought that the maple syrup might be a required ingredient.

    O my you can put whatever you like on it..I actually ate honey with mine..sooooo good
  4. Recipe for the cats head biscuits, pretty please.....?😊

    Hey PRipply..I make cat heads with

    2 cups all purpose flour (or bisquick)

    2 tsp salt

    1 T baking powder

    1 T lard

    2/3 cup milk

    Sift flour and salt and baking powder together.

    Add lard ( forking it in)

    And then add milk

    It wil be a wet dough..add flour to get a firm dough.

    Bake on grill bout 375*

    For bout 20 minutes or til brown.

    *note make biscuits a large size..I got 4 out of this recipe.

  5. And bosceaux, now you know why I live in Oklahoma! Except for about 3 months in the Summer, life in Oklahoma is sweet. Lots of sunshine, temperate climate, not much real cold weather.

    All the best up all my good Friends north of me! We've still got low 90s here.

    I been to Olahoma and everytime I been there it was windy..but other than that it was great weather.loved your State
  6. Bingo. There are actually four Chinatowns in New York City: Manhattan for tourists, Flushing for everyone in the know, and two more where many people live who work in the first two. The best bang-for-the-buck duck I've ever seen has been in the last two, including a slew of legs perfect for confit. Along with much else of interest. Games of name-that-ingredient are hardest in the last two, whatever one's upbringing.

    I went to New York in 2002 and we walk all over there and also went down the street with all the out door resteraunts..we ate in little Italy..great food and they were great.very nice people there.but I remember walking pass some Chinese or Asian place where they sold there food..I didnt like the smell.but none the less I got to see all New York had to offer in all types of food..a wonderful experience. I love duck..it def has to be oil since it is such a dry meat

    And you put alot of work in your peperation.great cook.thanks for sharing.

  7. Reef sheepishly raises his hand - LOL

    I agree redstick..my mom boil them too but much perfer tbem on the grill.even pan frying them are better than boiled and CC that was so wrong....lol..all im going to say..lol..i love them but ckreef and son dont eat them so I do without..I guess not a bad thing but I do buy a corn dog at a store when I am working sometimes..love the corn breading and got to have mustard with it..but I only get them only in a blue moon.

    Hot dogs are MUCH better grilled in my opinion.

    It's quite a lengthy process to fire up a Kamado for just a few dogs, but worth every second.

    Just my opinion.

    My dear Mom boiled dogs. She liked 'em that way and until I got old enough to be trusted with the Weber Kettle, when Dad wasn't home we ate boiled hot dogs. I hate boiled dogs. Give me a grilled dog every single time!

    Funny story. When my son was about 4 years old, he only wanted to eat hot dogs. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Snacks. That was it, hot dogs. And the dogs were boiled! I decided him eating nothing but hot dogs was going to end. So Joe is sitting there at the table, packing back the hot dogs. Joes stabs another piece of hot dog and I ask "Hey Joe! You know what hot dogs are made from?" Joe shakes his head no. I tell him "They're made from assholes and eyeballs!". Joes fork hit the plate and he has never had another hot dog!

  8. ckreef, I hope you are taking pixs of the improvements so we can see what you are up to.:)

    Mackenzie, we have been painting everyday this week.(priming first)and got a full day tomorrow to paint the final color.its seens a never ending project.but it will be well time spent since we love our space and spend all our time in it when we are home.
  9. ckreef... my brother from another mother!!!!  I can't wait to see the next grill.  I hope you go a bit bigger...


    I know you like the smaller dogs, but I need to see you cooking in a 23"!!!!



    LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!


    thank you Mrs. Skreef you are a good woman!!

    bosco,Thank You..,I love cooking and for me learning the grills has been a great experience.I dont mine if we get another one.it just means ckreef have to cook that much more.lol..plus side it gives him and I alot of time together since we are still newly weds..Still Honeymooning....

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