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About Mrhdvrod

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  1. Looks to be the same size as the chunks I buy today, perhaps a little bigger even. I'd be very happy purchasing that.
  2. Money not an object? Simply, helicopter from truck drop to landing zone! Or rent a fork lift and lift driver. Also while on the subject let's have you build a patio to put the kamado's on that's covered with appropriate ventilation so you can stop having to play patio tic tac toe. On a more serious note, I'm glued to this discussion on the size part, my inability to maker a decision cost me the 23 from the Raichlen deal!
  3. I'm interested in one of the 2 Steven Raichlen kamado's. Are either still available? What would be the price shipped to 32724 with lift gate service? 

    1. DennisLinkletter


      will send email.. thanks!

  4. If you were in Florida this would already be mine!
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