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Posts posted by bosco

  1. With the 23 watch the therm probe with the upper grate and baking stone in. I just pull mine out a bit as I close the dome then drop it back in.  I bent it once. I think I will order a stubby from tel-tru for Those types of cooks 

  2. 32" is your next grill and I am guessing you will be looking at an end of September purchase.  You may even see an audible here and go with a second 23", but you have been considering the 22" that is on sale as an alternative.  

    I guessed the first one, and I think that I am correct on this one too. 

    You are super impressed with the KK, you are looking to sell your old smokers now and you will need the extra space

    I can only say this... the 23 and 32 is a wonderful combo

  3. I don't see why not.  I have read many posts on the BBQ Brethren with members using green wood exclusively in their smokers due to the moisture content and added flavours.  

    I truly believe that the smoker pot purifies the bad, leaving just the good.



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  4. The Dutch oven smoke pot is just a smoke producer not a deflector.  

    The double bottom steel drip pan is as large as the deflector stone with two layers of steel with a gap between them.  Acts as an excellent diffuser.  

    Or you can use the stone that comes with the KK for diffuser.  But the easiest is to leave lower grate in and lay a piece of foil down.  The main grate to firebox is further apart then any other Kamado.  It really make ceramic deflectors a thing of the past.

    The dutch oven smoke pot produces an incredible smoke profile and clean wood burn 

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  5. I have considered a pellet grill or an offset for a more true flavour.  But I have to say that the smoking pot has been absolutely awesome.   

    It produces thin blue smoke so well that I think I am good.  Robert recommended that I add a second pot so that I have two going with my 32".  That could be a game changer!!

  6. other options are a splitter basket for 2 zone cooking.  Many love it.  I have it but honestly have yet to use it.  When you get the splitter basket, it was recommended to get a second charcoal basket so its always set up and ready to go.

    if you are into cold smoking the cold smoke generator 


    last but not least, order as much lump as you can on initial order as it is the cheapest that you can get it.  You basically save on shipping.  


  7. Oh I have suggestions alright!!

    So moving on, if it is not too late I would definitely add the following items to your order, or place another order as soon as possible:

    1. baking stone - quite possibly the greatest accessory that I have ever purchased.  This thing is a beast and helps make some of the best pizza and bread that I have ever had. 

    2. Double bottom drip pan - I am done with the deflector stone now.  I either use foil on the lower grate for low and slow or the drip pan.  With a KK, you really don't need a deflector anymore, but having something like the double bottom drip adds a a heat shield, juice collector, and I sometimes add wine, or water with lemon etc to help marinate food while it cooks.

    3. I think for me, I would Get the roti basket and the straight rod when it comes out.   They both have a place and you will be happy with both. Lets face it, built in rotisserie is an awesome built in feature that every ceramic owner has been waiting for.   And it comes standard with a KK.


  8. Made Pizza tonight for my kids and a 14" deep dish for myself and my parents as my wife was working nights.  Far too much info I know... Sorry about that.  

    Anyways, I have mastered the deep dish pizza and rocked this baby out.  No photos, I was just too busy tonight.

    Now back to the post. 

    00 flour.  I purchased 5 Kg of 00 from a local Italian Market.  It is a mom and pop style shop and they had it from 11.99.  I figured why not.  

    So far, my kids pizza dough recipe is with bread flour and I have been using all purpose flour as per the realdeepdish.com method.  

    Now I know that there is real hype with the 00 so my expectations were very high

    I noticed that the dough was easier to work with and it doubled excellent.  

    When it cooked, however, I was a tad disappointed.  It appears to be a very dry dough, reminiscent of a Sicilian style pasty pizza (one that ckreef had tried to make last year).  It was dry light and flakey if I were to describe it. 

    I really prefer the bobby flay method of dough and using bread flour.  I find it to be moist and airy dough with a nice crust on it

    I will use it a few more times, however, I do not think that 00 flour will be my go to for future pizza cooks

  9. Welcome to the KK forum an congratulations on your Komodo Kamado.  

    To say that you will notice some changes from the keg to the KK is an understatement!  You can't compare a KK to any other kamado and your diamond to clam analogy is spot on!  KK is the most over engineered kamado in the industry.  You will be so very pleased!

    If you want to increase your smoke profile, look into a 2 quart dutch oven and we will teach you how to make a smoking pot with it.  My KK plus the smoking pot has produced some of the best brisket that I have ever tasted to date!  

    Read up and stick around.  


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