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Posts posted by FotonDrv

  1. On 8/8/2017 at 6:06 PM, cschaaf said:

    Wow! Now we know where the 'Orchard' in Port Orchard came from! ;)

    Actually that was what I thought when we moved here and later found out it was a British Officer named Lt. Peter Orchard who first sailed into the inlet to document its existence.

    • Like 1
  2. We give them away to friends and to the local senior citizen center.  We make jam with some of them but since sugar is my downfall I try not to eat sweets, but fail miserably. 


    We tried freezing them but it does something chemically to them and they turn out bitter!  Can't figure that one.


    • Like 2
  3. Never tried red cherry plums!  We did plant a kiwi that is supposed to have red fruit but as yet no fruit where the green kiwi are prolific.


    The thing we enjoy the most is the blueberries, especially the pink lemonade variety.



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  4. 3 hours ago, wayne romanowicz said:

    Thanks I hope they like and the food that comes off. I saw your pics and the coastal area, very nice, easy on the mind.

    Thanks!  I am old and really enjoy the comforts that I spent a lifetime working toward.  It is not my dream but it's close enough :-)


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  5. On 7/27/2017 at 3:48 PM, wayne romanowicz said:

    thanks ,  Sorry to leave you hanging but, to be honest with you I already did the uncrating.  You see I was presented with the dilemma of going to the store and getting a card for my camera or opening the crate in front of me.  Well, you know I wasn't leaving temptation sitting in front of me unanswered.  I got the card now and will post some pics on Monday or Tuesday, help will arrive then and I'll be able to move it, safely.  I spoke with Dennis and thanked him for making such unique and fine piece of craftmanship.  And lastly I find myself wandering out to the garage at various times,  with a beer in hand gazing at this marvel as if it were a crystal ball. Is that all normal?

    And your friends and neighbors will all come over to it to rub their hands on it just like it was a crystal ball :-)  And they will exclaim, Ooowwwhh, Aaaaahhhh and WOW!.



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  6. We might be able to get it in Seattle somewhere but on this side of the Puget Sound only fresh albacore or salmon seems possible.  Buttermouth Perch when we lived on the coast was also a real treat from a days fishing at the beach.

    And cooking that Black Cod in the snow means you don't have flies with which to contend :-)



  7. 6 hours ago, tony b said:

    One big ass stump! 

    To move one took a Caterpillar about the size of a D-8 or larger.  We had a TD-25 on the property moving stumps and that got the job done more quickly.  The D-8 was fun to drive compared to all the lever pulling and gear shifting on my antique D-2 Caterpillar.

    All the Kamado style cookers I have had have all been a manual affair and that was one of the things I enjoyed about it.  Like cooking on a wood fired cookrange, it took paying attention to the fire, and therefore slowed you down from the frenetic pace of modern life.




  8. The dawg gets gobs of attention and spoiling.  Did you notice the stump behind that porch?  One of the average to smaller ones that were on the property, others got very big and could be used for small buildings inside the hollow stumps.

    Current setup is several hundred miles north in the Seattle area.  The current German Shepherd approves :-)





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  9. Having a covered patio on which to cook makes for fun all year long.  Something it takes multiple layers of clothing because of the snow.  I it does snow and I want to have a long cook with multiple things to stuff into the KK then I start a fire in the pit so I can warm myself further if necessary.


    The doggy loves the snow.



  10. This is a very good Tjhread Wilbur.

    Wayne, remember the statement back in this Thread about "Like a clown car with all the stuff that keeps coming out of the KK"....  It is no joke, Dennis packs a lot of thing in a very small space, very much like engineered packaging where once you get all the pieces out you will never figure out how to get it all back in there.  Just like Pandora :-)

    Enjoy you new KK when it comes and just take you time moving it and get more muscle than you think you will need...


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  11. I have given up on spam calls and if someone really wants to reach me they must leave their name and number.  And for the persistent calls that are human originated the answering message of "This is Lt. XXXX, you have reached an active crime scene, leave your name and number, state your business, and someone will get back to you during the course of the investigation".  That should stop all but the people who really know you.



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