Hi everyone my name is Keith, The owner and creator of the OctoForks™ Dennis should have his pair in a couple of weeks but who knows considering I haven't shipped that far yet! lol. Dennis I look forward to hearing your review after you use them.
To address a few of the points/questions I'll just break them individually.
1) Even heat- The closest example I could give is if you've ever hung ribs the heat and cook will be very consistent top to bottom. There's one exception which is if they're too close to the coals when hanging then the bottom edge may get burnt but that's not the case with rotisserie of course since each side of the meat is always rotating.
The concept of even heat also extends into faster cooking. On my website you'll see a side by side comparison cook doing a pork loin the traditional way most know and one of equal size with 1/2 pair of OctoForks. Both roasts tasted equally great but the benefit for me was that the vertical roast cooked much faster. For anyone wanting to fit more product on your spit rod then the OctoForks won't let you down because you are in essence "stacking" the meat side by side. In fact with multiple pairs you can rotisserie up to quadruple or better the amount of meat if the motor you use can handle the additional capacity. The pic above was with my "pre production" parts (Not stamped with company info etc...) but should give you an idea of how it utilizes the space better on the spit rod not to mention you won't have the holes in your meats because the spit only goes through the width of the meat.
The claws also "invert" or reverse in for tines closer to the spit rod so it's extremely versatile if you want to do meats the traditional way.
2) Pulling temp of meat- Oh definitely impossible to ever lose a piece of meat like a pork butt to the fire with 8 tines gripping it from both sides. Also you'll never have to truss or string up whatever you're putting on the rotisserie ever again. Trussing is a thing of the past.
Also you can hold small roasts etc... outside on both sides opposite the spit. A video on the website will show where I cooked "dueling" pork sirloin roasts held between the tines on both sides. Again just use your imagination on different ways to use them.
3) Accessories- Yes there will be accessories coming to plug and play into OctoForks. Very exciting stuff but that's a topic for another day!
4) Dennis mentioned seeing rotisserie as for roasting/grilling vs low and slow. The beauty of rotisserie is you can do whatever you want. You can low slow cook 225* or H&F cook @ 450* plus. Either way you'll get self basting action like you've never experienced before. Example on self basting action is when I do ribs there will be a glaze develop so pronounced that it will blow your mind. It actually resembles glazing your ribs with a sauce when there isn't one on there, Definitely a crazy thing to witness for the first time! lol
It doesn't matter if your cooker is big or small and shallow for things like ribs etc... because doing half vs full size there's no difference. The product on the spit will self baste better and food plus rubs/sauces will have less chance of burning. In fact I many times cook ribs well past conventional temps with sugary rubs directly over a fire and there's no burning and will make for some of the best food you'll ever have off the cooker.
5) For now if you want to vastly expand the capacity of your rotisserie, rotisserie many more types of meats/veggies, adjust the forks to fit what you're cooking, cook faster and have better balancing of the food then these won't disappoint. They're also built like a tank! lol Regular forks will become obsolete once you use the OctoForks and you're only limited by your own creativity on how to use them for your rotisserie cooking.
*** Balancing*** There are tick adjustment marks on the top so you can adjust the claws evenly on each side if needed.
Any more questions please don't hesitate to call, email or post them. I am planning on doing some "coupon codes" for Komodo-Kamado customers. Right now I'm working with my web person on getting that rolled out but should be fairly soon.