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Everything posted by oakland

  1. Where are you dialing in from, Troble? Here in Northern California Pliny used to be pretty hard to get -- but, if you wanted it, you could get it, and the scarcity of course made it all the sweeter. Now it's easy to get, a bit too easy for my liking...and it's still good/great, but, I do miss when it felt special!
  2. Mac that bread looks amazing! We may have to try that. Yup...we'll be turning this one into a stew or chili I believe, as we did with the last one! Results were better than last time, plenty of room for improvement. Not bad by any stretch -- fed the family, no complaints from the kids, and we'll turn it into a few more meals. I imagine it's mostly about experience, possibly grass fed. I have another grass fed coming to work on, and then after that I'll try a grain finished, see if that makes a difference.
  3. One of the bigger tips in Franklin's book is to not make the mistake of pulling during the stall -- something about losing all momentum. I wondered if I pulled it too early last night. But, based on the graph, I honestly can't tell if there's a stall at all.
  4. I did read somewhere yesterday on the Meater website that range with a ceramic cooker is about 10 feet. Hope you get the distance you need!
  5. Hmmm. I have a meater block. The block sits right next to the KK (has to sit right next to it). Then the block connects to my wifi, sending my temp data to the cloud. Then I can use the app on my phone from anywhere to get my temps. Obviously this isn't answering your question. What kind of test can I run for you?
  6. brisket & meater update. Brisket: Took a bit more time than expected to get to 203, thankfully nobody was relying on this for dinner. I put it in a Yeti overnight, but the temps got down to <140, so, into the fridge it went. I'll reheat for dinner tonight...haven't looked into recommendations on bringing it back up to temp, but I imagine I'll just put it back at 250 or so and check it periodically after 140 degrees. If anyone has reheated brisket, I'd love suggestions! Meater: Pretty happy with the first day (happy to answer any questions folks have, I'll be using it a lot in the coming 2 weeks to make sure I want to keep it). Re the Meater graphs below: green is ambient, purple is in the meat. Side note: I love having ambient and meat readings in the same place. The dip in ambient temp at ~6 hours was when I pulled & wrapped it. I left the probes in, thus the dip in temps. At 10h40m into the cook I opened the grill to feel the meat for a few seconds...temps in the dome didn't go up that much after, but they did inside the meat -- must have been that I increased airflow to the Meater probes inside the wrap. Or something. Shrug.
  7. Wrapped at 166-173 on the Meater probes (which have performed great, more on that later). Wasn’t as mahogany as Franklin talks about or pics I’ve seen, but...I guess I was worried about it drying out. Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Ditto to being pizza inspired! Those looked tremendous.
  9. Thanks! All we have is time these days, so that's the easy part :). Also giving my new meater probes a first run. Forgot to check the calibration, but they're all reading the same so...
  10. Brisket today. 2nd attempt in recent times. Following Franklin and this board’s recs (thanks especially Tony b!). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks Tony and Steve! Yeah, I have/love the Franklin book, and will be rereading it tonight. Have the correct butcher paper, which I haven't used before. But, any excuse to spend a few bucks to add another tool to the arsenal, right? Agreed on good meat. We're lucky enough in life that this is now a given. This brisket is from Marin Sun Farms here in CA, but...they are 100% grass fed, which is a big Franklin No No working against me, I think (next time I'll be sure to go grain finished). Our weekly meat CSA is also grass only...sooooo...gonna have to source some grain finished brisket. Shouldn't be too hard, just not as easy during virus times. I'll report on the brisket tomorrow!
  12. 2 low and slow cooks this long weekend here in the states. Today is a pork butt with a rub from Oakland Spice Shop, which we highly recommend...one of those businesses with a rabid local following who might not make it through the virus. Tomorrow is brisket, which I don't have much experience with and will be doing some research on these forums later today. Last brisket was mostly not great as brisket, but worked great as a stew the next day.
  13. We have one of these. My wife swears by it. My contributions to food for our family/parties are almost 100% grill & helping hand (slicing & dicing). She's the cook, and she's very, very good at it. This device is one of her favorite tools -- it's perfect for her style of cooking, which seems similar to those in this thread. We've been remodeling our kitchen for a while now, and this device was her go to (our new kitchen has an aga, so, same sort of thing -- low & slow simmers). Having said that, no small part of the value here are the refined aesthetics. That's the one we have. It's purty. My wife reminds me that you don't want to let standing water stand on the unfinished edges. You're probably already aware of this, if not lmk and I'll ask her what that's about.
  14. YES!!! There's a burn in. DEF follow it. In my case it was NBD, for others it requires some attention. Sorry that I'm running out and can't tell you more until later, but wanted you to have the short answer (YES!!) before diving in like I might have done
  15. EXCELLENT!!! Love it, the design just worked out perfectly. Nicely done...
  16. Excellent stuff. I too came from a KJ and love the upgrade. Really love the DIY job here. Much respect. Especially on the timber / joinery. That's a lot of brick. We don't use a lot of brick anymore on the west coast
  17. When we relandscaped, we built ours into a large cement form:
  18. My wife has me investigating naan and I was wondering the same thing...quite sooty though so...I'm thinking not. Seeing a lot of great naan threads on this forum though!
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