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Everything posted by DesertPirate

  1. I've stumbled upon a great mystery and need your help. When I cook a t-bone or porterhouse steak, the filet side is always amazingly tender. It kind of breaks apart. But when I get filet by itself I can never get it to be as good. There seems to be a "skin" on the outside, and the inside is never as tender/flakey. I pretty much cook all my steaks the same. Sear at highest possible temp on both sides and then cook at low temp to required doneness. Any ideas or advice?
  2. I figure the brisket was easy. Temp control is much easier then you'd think and it's not like the brisket wil be ruined if you are off by 10 or 20 degrees for a few hours. I can't wait for my first really hot steak cook though. I'm a big steak conisseur.
  3. I needed something to tide me over so I tired out Firemonkey's chicken wings while getting everything ready for the 12 lbs Sams Club brisket. Like any newbie I had a little trouble starting the fire and was a little overwhlmed/confused by all the grate, drip pan and heat deflector options. I settled on the the deflector that comes in the stainless pan on the lower grill and cooked the brisket on the main grill for about 18 hours at temps ranging between 250 and 280. It turned out amazing, even if the bottom was a litle crisp. I also put the large drip pan on top on the deflector stone. I had the wings on the main grill, but finished them off above the brisket for a late night snack. Going for ribs today ... Sorry, will have to figure out how to add pics later when I'm not on my iPhone
  4. Magic eraser is something else ... Cleaned couple years worth of kids' dirt and marking off walls of our rental house last month before moving out. What about the stainless steel grill grates?
  5. That is good news indeed! Is there a chance I could get it on the 26th or the 27th (if they deliver on Saturdays)? I'll be out of town the whole week after that and would have to wait until the 6th of July before I could accept delivery otherwise ...
  6. When will this shipment arrive? I think my bronze beauty is in this shipment and am starting to get antsy ... Any update on when this should arrive and how soon I might expect a delivery?
  7. Thanks for the offer, but I ended up taking the plunge sight unseen. Have a metallic bronze coming my way soon. Once I found out how much a custom BBQ island costs I figured I was saving money by buying one of these instead.
  8. Re: nine slabs I think I'm in love after seeing the picture of the nine racks of ribs ... Now if I were only 20 years younger and could still eat all nine racks in one sitting!
  9. Thanks for replies. I forgot to add that I usually only cook baby back ribs. So my question about ribs was how many racks of baby backs can you fit.
  10. Still lurking and waiting to get into my new house before I take the plunge on a KK. Have a few questions and was hoping some of you experts could enlighten me. - The electronic sensor/blower package seems like an incredible add-on, but it looks pretty difficult to install. Is this really necessary, or can you with reasonable practice get the grill to maintain a low temp for many hours the old fashioned way? Also, I thought I read somewhere Dennis was installing the port tube now (can someone point me to the right place and/or elaborate)? - Is the shipping curb side or do the delivery guys unpack and put the grill where I want it in the back yard? In other words, how many buddies do I have to invite over the day it arrives? - I've noticed a lot of the pictures show people putting the grill on slate tiles. I have a concrete pad in the couple places I was considering putting it. Is that fine for placement, or do I need something substantial for underneath? - How many racks of ribs could you cook in the 19.5 or 23? Does the rib rack allow you to cook more? - One of the main reasons I am interested right now is the possibility of getting really high temps for steaks. Would either size KK be fine for this. I am asking because the only difference other than diameter seems to be three racks vs two for the 23 vs the 19. Are the lowest racks in both a similar distance from the coals so you could get similar performance for steaks? Thanks for any instights y'all can provide!
  11. Hello, I'm moving out to the AV in a few weeks, but was hoping to view/demo a KK as soon as possible with the idea of ordering one when I get in my new house. Would just like to touch and feel before jumping in on a big purchase like this. Thanks
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