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Everything posted by Paswesley

  1. Re: On the Fence...Need Advice! Cook your wife's favorite type of meat for your first meal. That will seal the deal. I guarantee it! My wife pouted over my purchase, right up until her first bite. 'Nuff said!
  2. Re: On the Fence...Need Advice! I second Doc's motion. I am a public servant twice over. I am a pastor and a teacher. I dare say that the average user of this forum spent a good deal smaller percentage of his/her annual disposable income than I spent when I purchased my Mable. Yet, even I have not given the cost of my KK a second thought. Just taste the product. Taste the product and have your significant other to taste it. Oh, did I mention this- TASTE THE PRODUCT. Taste the food that the KK is capable of producing. You will kick yourself for the two years of unbelievably savory and succulent meals that you have denied yourself by your procrastination. Plus, you will be able to eat better tasting food than virtually any restaurant in which you have dined. Just the money that you save from dining at home will recoup the KK price in a few years! If you regret your purchase, you will be the first instance of KK buyer remorse that I am aware of, also. What does Nike Corp say? JUST DO IT!!!
  3. Re: ET-732 Question I can't help with this. I have the single probe model.
  4. Re: My First Brisket So right you are, Cook_Shack! One note of caution. The probe, as designed, has a bend that is just barely unable to be inserted through the probe port. So, a little gentle bending with the probe after it has been heated in water to about 180 degrees will be sufficient to bend it just enough to fit without breaking it. At least, that is how things worked out in my case. Enjoy!
  5. Re: My First Brisket I heartily agree that you do not necessarily need a draft controller to cook successfully on a KK. I have been cooking awesome meals for 1.5 years now and I don't have a guru or similar device. I do use an internal temp probe, though. A temp probe is the only truly reliable way to ensure that massive cuts are done to the bone, or that pork has reached the correct pull temp, etc. I have cooked eight pork butts at once, two 15 pound turkeys at once, and many other very large cooks- all without using a draft controller. Spatchcocking is an awesome way to cook turkey, by the way. There is a learning curve for how to regulate the temp, and how long it takes depends on predictable factors (native aptitude, frequency of use, ambient temp, etc). Cook_Shack is one of the most knowledgeable users on this forum. You will do well to heed his advice. He got me off to a great start back in summer 2010. You will make a few mistakes along the way. No problem, though. Even the mistakes on a KK taste wonderful!
  6. Re: Your other Grill(s) I still use the burners on the $1299.00 gas grill that I bought from Costco back in 2003. I have used the grill section maybe once since I got Mable. She "ruined' me for anything else.
  7. Re: Deluxe vs. Supreme ? I believe the term "Supreme" refers to an earlier incarnation of OTB. BTW OTB is an acronym for "Outside The Box"- thinking, that is.
  8. Re: New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL I'll say there were some tense moments. I did not even take the lid off. The roughest part was rolling it off the pallet base.
  9. Re: New KK just arrived in Boca Raton, FL Wow! Congratulations. I remember the excitement of receiving mine. I was unwilling to put off the uncrating until I could get help, so I did it all by myself. NOT RECOMMENDED BY DENNIS!!! I happen to be a very strong and resourceful person, who is as stubborn as he is either. It took me about two hours, start to finish. You will love your KK. Welcome to the family.
  10. Re: Found a nice italian market...sausage time Now, that looks truly delicious. Is that coco charcoal that you are cooking with? Temp? How long?
  11. Paswesley

    23" KK

    Re: 23" KK A great deal of heat DOES remain inside the KK, due to the very fine insulating material that Dennis has sandwiched in between the kiln grade hot face and the outer skin. How hot the outer surface gets depends on the internal temp, the ambient temp and whether or not the hot face within has become heat soaked. I have been able to lay my hand on the lid of my Mable when she was heat soaked at 500 degrees and above. When you cook in an ambient temp of below freezing, there is virtually no internal temp that will cause the outer skin of the KK to burn you. This is my two cents worth after using my KK for a year and a half. The upper grill is good for getting a good brown on breads and meats. Once the KK is heat soaked, at say 400 degrees, the entire hot face radiates the heat from all directions. At the same time, the engineering of the upper vent combines with the irradiating heat to create convection. Over time, you will develop skills and techniques that will permit you to get the maximum utility out of your KK. Yet, you will get awesome meals out of it from the very first. I have cooked on two levels frequently. It is simply the finest cooker of its type that is available. I would not hesitate to repurchase a KK. My only regret is that I did not purchase mine several years earlier.
  12. Re: MY NEW KK!!! Go ahead and cook in the snow. It won't deter your KK. I have cooked amidst howling Nor'easters when the temp was 20 degrees and the snow accumulated to 14 inches. Snow ribs are extraordinarily delicious!
  13. Re: My new KK (Miss Cookie) Miss Cookie is very voluptuous, and provocative, in a rotund sort of way. Her food will taste even better than she looks. Yard art that renders up gourmet BBQ- you can't beat it!
  14. Re: A little help Score hickory charcoal where slu?
  15. Re: Covering your KK Re that RJ Kamado sale- I sure do hope that you sold it "as is, no warranty!"
  16. Re: MY NEW KK!!! That's great! Enjoy every bite and every accolade.
  17. Re: Faceting @mk1: The stones are beautiful! What do you think of this 57,500 carat emerald? It will be auctioned off soon. See link below. Are you putting in a bid? Would it be more cost effective to divide this 25 pounder into smaller gems, or is it worth more as it is? http://www.ksby.com/news/giant-emerald- ... in-canada/
  18. Re: MY NEW KK!!! Welcome to the family. It is always good to bring in another Southerner. I live in Maryland, but I was born and raised in southern VA. I am southern born and southern bred, and when I die, I'll be southern dead. You will love your KK. Everything you cook will taste better than food from a five star restaurant. Post a pic of your new family member ASAP.
  19. Re: Something is missing... The knuckleheads just don't know. Talk about ignorance being bliss!
  20. Re: 23 OTB weights I must have weighed Mable when she was chock full of pork butts!
  21. Re: 23 OTB weights Happy New Year! The total weight is around 600 pounds. The lid is around 100 pounds and the grills weigh around 75 pounds. That makes the weight of the base around 425 pounds. Dennis can provide more precise weights.
  22. Re: Christmas Turkey 2011 Although this was not cooked on a KK, I thought everyone would want to meet the guest of honor at the Christmas Eve feast of our clan. We call it "lechon." Roughly translated, that means roast pig. I had Nana to stand behind it for scale. It is a 100 pound shoat- a castrated male feeder pig. Masarap! (Delicious!)
  23. Re: Christmas Turkey 2011 Thanks for the compliment. It is delicious! I will be brining all of my birds from now on. I got into a hurry and did not take a pic of the finished bird. However, this is a pic of the finished hash, ready to serve. I thought I would take the pic as if I was offering the world a serving. The hash is to be served over steamed rice or stiff mashed potatoes. It is "smack yo' mama good," I guarantee!
  24. These are pics of my first attempt at brining a turkey. I may have put too much apple juice in the brining mixture. There appear to be drops of sugar forming on the legs and elsewhere. The proof will be in the eating. I know this is not the prettiest of birds. Then again, I cook turkey more for flavor than presentation. I am going to convert the entire bird to turkey hash prior to serving anyway. I took several pics and each has the odd whitish swirl. It is not smoke. Ghost of Christmas present, perhaps? Hmmmm...
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