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Everything posted by tlinder

  1. I got now the final bill for the following things: harbor charges importing duty charges importing customs charges cash on delivery charges VAT Importing charges The total is 307 $. That is actually 40 $ more than the whole shippment and fumigation! it's really sick!
  2. We are land-locked. I guess they mean the harbor charges in the Netherlands, where the cargo arrived.
  3. ridiculously high charges The good news is, that the grill should be with me on Friday The bad news is, that I had the idea, that I allready paid for the shippment. Now the shipping company in Switzerland wants another 200$ from me for harbor charges, importing duty charges, importing customs charges, cash on delivery charges (VAT and Importing charges are not included in this). They are really creative with inventing new charges. Is this normal? It raises the costs of the grill another 10%
  4. In the Classic fits the bigger bird then into the OTB? I always had the idea that the OTB is bigger, or does it just have the bigger grill-surface but the dome is smaller?
  5. I did a turkey last winter in a normal oven low and slow (about 20 hours) and it was superdelicious to my taste. It had a fantastic stuffing with chestnuts, celery stalks and sausage meat. If it works in the normal oven it should also work in the KK, or not? Of course I will put huge amounts of pictures on the web of the grill and the location! The event I need this turkey for is actually the christening of my 3 month old son. Do you have other suggestions what meat I could do on the KK to feed 30 people? Tobias
  6. I actually planed to do the turkey low and slow on the main grill with a drip pan on the lower grill. Thank you for your recommendations on doing two smaller birds instead of one. I would like to do a whole bird for this event. It's just way more spectacular So let's see how big the biggest turkey is, that I can get here in Switzerland. I will report back with pictures after the event. Tobias
  7. Hi I'm planning to prepare a turkey in September in the KK (the Classic version). Has anyone an idea what the aprox. size is, that fits into the KK? I have to feed 30 people! Thank you in advance for your answers! Tobias
  8. Thank you very much for your help. I love this forum! We will first try levitation (thank you Sammy!) and if this does not work take the Komodo apart and then we should be able to move it upstairs. I will of course publish pictures of the whole moving event that should happen somewhen in the next 3 weeks. Tobias
  9. How to get the KK home and on the balcony Is there really not one person who can give me tipps concerning my questions? Nobody who knows the measures of a Komodo crate? Till now I had the idea that the members of this forum have an answer to every question imaginable
  10. As allready mentioned in the Pipeline category my KK classic is on the way to Switzerland. There are 2 things that bother me now: 1. How to get it home? I have a Toyota Hiace at work, that I could use for the transport. What is the height of the crate? Or can I place the crate flat into the bus (probably not)? How many people do I need to get the grill on the bus? 2. How to get it onto the balcony on the second floor of our house? I will probably take the grill out of the crate and then take of the damper top and take out all the extras. Can I also take out the firebox to save weight? Are 3 strong guys enought to get the base of the KK upstairs (it's a steep and narrow staircase, so more than 3 can't help)? Thank you for your superappreciated tipps! with best regards Tobias
  11. I ordered my custom made Komodo Kamado Classic supreme in terra blue Monday evening and on Friday it allready went on the feeder vessel in direction Europe. Thank you Dennis for making it possible in such a small timeframe! I will post pictures when it arrives. Guess this is going to be the first Komodo Kamado in Switzerland! I'm so looking forward to my first bbq with it. I have 30 people invited for August 12th and hope really, that the thing is here till then. Tobias
  12. Thank you! You will find quiet an amount of pictures of my little boy on my website: http://www.linder.li
  13. No, he was from Appenzellerland (a very remote and rural part of Switzerland). Problably they had no electicity there, when he grew up Originally he was a butcher, but he was always in experimenting with food. There was nothing he did not put on the grill. He has organized thousands of bbq happenings in Germany and Switzerland. Is favorite grill was the Oklahoma Joe. A very simple one was his "Banana flambé" dessert: After a great bbq evening, when there is almost no heat left, you but for each guest a very ripe banana on the grill. When the bananas are completly black, you but the bananas one fireproof plate and cut a long slit from the beginning to the end of each banana Put a few spoons of brown sougar over the bananas Pour Orange Brandy (45% or more) over the bananas and set the whole thing on fire. Take a spoon and pour the burning brandy again over the bananas Serve the bananas in the peel together with vanilla ice cream. Enjoy! Tobias
  14. Re: Welcome Tlinder You have to be patient with me because I'm currently very busy (my first son was born 8 weeks ago). I will sure publish some nice recipes in the future. My father (died 6 Years ago) was considered as the bbq god here in Switzerland and I still have quiet an amount of his recipes writen down somewhere. Greetings, tlinder
  15. Thank you for your welcome message. I just ordered a terra blue classic supreme and hope to get it soon (can't wait!!!). Dennis is completly right, bentriding is riding a recumbent bike. I have a superlight beauty of a carbon low racer from Velokraft (probably the equivalent to Komodo grills in the recumbent bike world): http://www.linder.li/Site/Velokraft.html Greetings, tlinder
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