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Everything posted by tlinder

  1. tlinder

    Pork breast

    Re: Hmmmm - Pork Boobies??
  2. tlinder

    Pork breast

    I have ordered 5 pounds of pork breast. Do you have recommendations what to do with it (in the KK of course). Thank you in advance for your tips!
  3. Is there really nobody using the meat hanger? I would also like to know what it is recommended for and see some nice pictures of hanging birds! Tobias
  4. Re: How do you do your ribs? I used the recipe with Chef Juke's Raspberry Chipotle sauce from Saunka that you can find in the article /Pork/Ribs? There is also a long discussion about the cooking time and ofter stuff concerning ribs that could be interesting for you: http://komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=233
  5. I just placed the recipe into the right section of the forum: http://komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5023#5023
  6. After a great bbq evening, when there is almost no heat left, you should but for each guest a very ripe banana on the grill. When the bananas are completly black, you but the bananas one fireproof plate and cut a long slit from the beginning to the end of each banana and open it a little bit. Put a few spoons of brown sougar over the bananas Pour Orange Brandy (45% or more) over the bananas and set the whole thing on fire. Take a spoon and pour the burning brandy again over the bananas Serve the bananas in the peel together with vanilla ice cream. Enjoy!
  7. I have a 4 month old son so I'm up anyway every few hours in the night The meat was really a complete success. The meat was superjuicy and tender. Everybody loved it! Here the picture of the finished meat. I put it once again on the grill for 30 minutes before serving: And here we were cutting it: For dessert I did again my famous bananas flambée: We have now about 8 pounds of leftover meat (20 pounds was probably too much for 27 persons). We will have some nice sandwichs in the next days!
  8. Although I had the grill temperature only on 230 the 20 pound piece went from 55 to 120 within about 3 hours. I then moved it into a preheated insulated foodbox where I keep it now till one hour before the guests arrive. The temperature stays quiet stable in there. Then I will give a finish to the meat with some direct fire. It's going to be served with a delicious potatoe gratin. Tomorow I will publish photos of the final product.
  9. I really got now a nice organic prime rib of 20 pound for a fair price. Because it's so huge the butcher told me, that I shoud calculate at least 12 hours cooking time. So it's now 11 pm and I just put it on the grill. Before I marinated it with a homemade herb marinade like Porkchop suggested. I hope it reaches 130 till tomorrow at noon when my 30 guests arrive
  10. Re: Photos of Larry the OTB!! Larry is very handsome! The structure looks really nice and elegant. Congrats!
  11. Thank you Porkchop and DavidS for your tipps. I will probably go for the prime Rib because not everybody is in chuck roll here but everybody loves prime rib. Tomorow my butcher gets his meat delivered. Then I will go to him and take a look at the different pieces he has to offer. The prime rib should not be way more expensive then the chuck meat but with the prime rib I lose less weight because I don't have to do it for such a long time on the grill.
  12. tlinder


    Thank you so much for this recipe. The rasperry chipotle sauce is the absolute killer. Yesterday I did some ribs for 4.5 hours with 250 (last 30 minutes with the sauce) and this were definitetly the best ribs I ever had!
  13. There sure is quiet a big difference but the butcher actually promissed me that the piece he can get me for this Saturday is going to be way fatier. I will do 2 x 12 lb for 12 hours and publish pictures of my success or failure on Sunday. As an alternative to the shoulder meat he offered me a 20lb ribeye piece. Would this perhaps be more suitable, because this one is sure way fatier?
  14. This Saturday I'm goint to have 30 people in my garden. Now I was planning to do such a chuck roll for my guests. As a dry run I bought 3 lb of shoulder-meat from my butcher: and let it in the KK for 24 hours with 200 to 250 Fahrenheit till it had an internal temperature of 185. The taste of the meat is actually quiet nice but very dry: Is this perhaps, because the piece was that small or are swiss cows just not fat enough?
  15. Thank you very much fot the recipe. I don't have such a long experience but I can completly agree with you that the Kk is a fantastic device. Do you use extra woodchips of pellets or is the smoke you get from the lump enough for a good smoke taste with the chuck roll?
  16. Pfeffernuesse are a German thing and not really a Swiss favorite, because we have our own specialities. You should really try the zimtsterne. This ones are delicious if you love cinnamon.
  17. Normally a terrine is something like a very luxury version of a spread. You only use best products like fillet and for example truffles or morel for the meat part, bake it in the oven at low temperature and cover the whole thing with aspic.
  18. I can give you the recipe for everything except the morel beef terrine. Just tell me what you want. How about the pork patee and pick out two of your favorite cookie recipes! Thanks a bunch. Could you tell me what the morel beef terrine is? A spead of some sort? Maybe something it is simular too? Thank You, -=Jasen=-[/quote:olee5hib] The pork patee recipe I have to search. Here are two typical Swiss cookie recipes from my wife that are really delicious: Brunsli (=Brownish Ones) 300 g unpeeled, groud almonds 250g sugar 100g dark chocolate 2 teaspoons cinnamon pwder 1 pinch of salt 2 pinches of ground cloves 3 egg whites 1 table spoon of Kirsch Grind chocolate finely Mix chocolate, almonds sugar and spices. Whip the egg whites slighly. Add egg whites and Kirsch to the mixture Knead shortly to combine all the ingredients Roll out dough on a sugared work surface to 1 cm thick Cut shapes from dhough with a cooky cutter (traditionally heath shaped) Bake for 8 minutes at 160°C. Be careful not to overbake them. The will firm up as they cool Leave on baking tray for 3 minutes before letting them cool on a wire rack -- Zimtsterne (cinnamon stars) 250 g unpeeled, groud almonds 200g sugar 1 table spoon of cinnamon 1 pinch of salt 3 egg whites 1 tea spoon of lemon juice some confectioner's sugar Beat egg whites and sugar until you get that fluffy mass (in German it is called Eischnee =Egg snow) Reserve one third of the mass to use later for the icing. Add almonds, cinnamon, lemon juice and salt to the remaining egg snow. Mix well. This should result in a dough you can roll out on a thin coat of confectioner's sugar. If the dough is too stick or liquid to do this add more almonds. Roll out to ca 1 cm thick. With cookie cutter, cut out stars and brush them with the egg white and sugar mixture you put aside earlier bake for 20 min at 170°C (until the tops are lightly colored)
  19. You couldn't knock the legs off the ramp and use it to get it on your deck? Another idea if you have good help is those arm strap lifts - but it need two people in good shape (my back would not let me do that). Me personally, I like just being able to push heavy stuff like that - no lifting. Anyway, good luck with everything and get us some pics! -=Jasen=- With two people it's probably not a good idea. The base without dome is still 278 pounds. We lifted the classic one with 3 people up the stairs and it was deadly.
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