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Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charcoal

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Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charcoal with each Q. :smt048

For low slow cooking on the Q I think the extruded coconut is special; especially for the newbie. Now if the person is going for hot and fast, then I think pretty much any fuel will do.

I think pretty much everyone has been successful right off the bat with their Qs so perhaps this is just an unnessary and unneeded cost.


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Re: Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charc

Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charcoal with each Q. :smt048

For low slow cooking on the Q I think the extruded coconut is special; especially for the newbie. Now if the person is going for hot and fast, then I think pretty much any fuel will do.

I think pretty much everyone has been successful right off the bat with their Qs so perhaps this is just an unnessary and unneeded cost.


Hehe, this is a nice thought. I already tried it though - hehe. I was told that charcoal falls into a combustible category and has some kind of hazardous transport charge added to it. So if you placed charcoal in the KK crate (like the crate is not already flammable - hehe), it greatly increases how much shipping is charged for that item. So bottom line, I doubt it will happen.


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I guess Mexi people can do it because it's not shipped from overseas. They ship from CA, I guess, and it's a trucking issue, not an import issue.

I don't mean they give free lump, just include it with shipping of a cooker.

Yeah, I am guessing it is an overseas thing. But then again, I also noticed their shipping was considerably higher than Dennis' too. My Mexi-K was $135 more on shipping and that was over a year ago too. So maybe that might be reason for the large price difference too?


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I wanted it to come from the factory with charcoal in it

Heck, I betcha if they set it to something fairly low it'd still be going when it hit home - pop a factory-installed brisket in there and you've got food to give the guys who help you lug it into place! :wink:

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Re: Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charc

Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charcoal with each Q. :smt048 Paul

I wish I had a big pallet of coconut charcoal. It's made in the Philippines and so it goes directly to the States. But yes that would be right up my alley to fill Komodos with charcoal. I love the idea..

For low slow cooking on the Q I think the extruded coconut is special; especially for the newbie. Now if the person is going for hot and fast' date=' then I think pretty much any fuel will do. Paul[/quote']

That's absolutely correct, the extruded Coconut is superior to regular lump for low and slows because it has more density. This results in a burn that is more predictable and controllable. I call it "Set and Forget" cooking. It's more expensive than regular lump but cheaper than a Guru or over cooked briskets.

With lump if your airflow and material positioning is not correct you can come back to either a runaway burn that's too hot or a burn that drops or goes out. Well lit extruded is very stable, it plugs away and delivers consistent temperatures until it is burned out.

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