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a little head at home

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A couple had a baby who unfortunately was born without a body, only a head. They decided to make the best of a bad situation and lovingly raised their son who they named Ed. The couple spent a fortune on specialists trying to correct Ed's condition, all to no avail. Finally Ed turned 21 and the couple decided to leave him home and go to Europe for a much needed vacation. While in Europe, they heard of a doctor in Switzerland who had done amazing things in curing people with Ed's condition. On the chance that the doctor could help, they went to see him and he agreed that, yes, he could help Ed. Elated, the couple took the next flight home and ran into the house yelling, "Ed! We're home early and we have the most wonderful surprise for you!" "Oh, no!" cried Ed. "Not another hat!"

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Hmm' date=' I hear crickets chirping in the background![/quote']

Keep 'em away from Dennis!

Dennis....did you whip up any of special little snacks for the family here in Calif? :eek: They introduced you to tri-tip...what did you intoroduce them to? :D Something tells me if you threw some of those on the grill someone started phoning for reservations real quick! :roll: Maybe you took some to gramps B-Day party. :twisted:

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