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Picture of Meat

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I know DJ had a thread named 'Portrait of Beef Brisket', I'm sure he's got more schoolin than me though, I'm a simpler man :D

This is a 25.97 lb hunk of chuck roll.


Around here ya gotta mark stuff so people will know whose it is. I recently learnt cursive :D


Here's the rubs I used on it. The label-less container on the left is where I pour almost empties and keep a mix of everything there that I use for low-n-slows.


Here's one side of the Que Porch. I keep all my que stuff in the wardrobes



Here's me taking a picture like the ones Gerard likes to take...cept I left my clothes on



Here's the beast and another very useful cabinet. You may notice the tip of my Billy bar hanging up on the porch light in the top right corner


And here's a shameless "plug" for our own favorite Admin.


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Thank god you at least had on underwear when you took the pic of the mirror.

BTW, whose that other woman in the pic as it don't look like your normal sweetthing pic. You stepping out or something? I'm gonna tell on you!!


Hey, nice Polder Port plug, I wonder where you got that from - hehe.


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Re: Cat In A Box????

I see the cat on top of the stack of boxes' date=' but it looks like there might be some eyes showing in the bottom box????[/quote']

It's possible, I didn't even know Licorice was on the top. We have 3 cats and that's their 3 houses. They use it when it's really cold or rainy (not now) or when they want to get away from Chubby the big black dog :D

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It's a nutcracker.

Here's two after pics at 7:00am this morning. It was done at 12:00 last night and wrapped really good with a cooler full of towels. Yes, it was still very warm at 7:00am when I pulled it. (as if I care about all those outta this world food rules)

I had to cut it into 3 parts to pull it. Even then, each part was as large as an 8lb butt when it's being pulled. I ended up having it for breakfast as it was being pulled...and then we had samaches for lunch after we got home from church.

That's some really good stuff. I pulled it at 189 degrees, I should have waited it out and went for 195 degrees on this monster because there was a large piece where there was still a good bit of connective tissues that were not broken down.

The problem was I started it at 9 or 10:00am because I forgot to start in Friday night like I planned and I wasn't gonna leave it sitting in the fridge for a week. I couldn't get either of my remotes (the inside part) to work so the only way to check the temp was to go out side and look at the one directly connected to the meat. Neither of them would sinc with the 2 thermometers in the KK...thus no alarms to warn me. So at midnight when it hit 189 I shut er down and brought the meat in and wrapped it up.

Just like butts, a chuck roll is very forgiving. I can't wait for those burritos...yea :D



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I couldn't get either of my remotes (the inside part) to work so the only way to check the temp was to go out side and look at the one directly connected to the meat. Neither of them would sinc with the 2 thermometers in the KK...thus no alarms to warn me.

Nice looking beef dude.

On the remote thing. Try this, cut the base on first, then turn on the remote. If that does not work, cut the remote on first and then the base. I cannot remember which way it works, but there is a particular order they have to be turned on in order for most to sync up.


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These are the nutemp things...they stay on all the time.

The only thing I can think of that's happened different with these things is this. I've got all the temp stuff in a basket. The basket always stayed inside, and the bases never went outside. Recently (space issues) I put the basket outside in one of my wardrobe drawers. I wonder if the bases don't like this horrifically high humidity we've had the last few months.

Who knows, that's all I can think of, seems like the batteries are new, but I'm gonna buy more tomorrow anyways.

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I cannot remember which way it works, but there is a particular order they have to be turned on in order for most to sync up.

Yep, and it drives me crazy every time! I dont know why I can never remember what the trick is :drinkers:

Curly, did you pull the whole thing? That last pic looks like it could be good served like pot roast!

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Curly, did you pull the whole thing? That last pic looks like it could be good served like pot roast!

The outer part of all of it was pullable, probably about 1/3 of the meat on that last pic was chopped with my cleaver. But I had to really go through it with my fingers to make sure I got all of the connective tissues out. Chubby had a large bowl of breakfast this morning. :D

I'd say 195-200 degrees, no less for these monsters. But even the part that wasn't pullable was very good, so like I said, very forgiving. I wanted to mix all the meat up so the pulled/chopped/bark was evenly distributed, but it was to much meat and barely fit in the container I had.

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