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Hello from Tampa Florida

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Well, I finally took the plunge and ordered my KK. I'd like to thank many of you for helping make my decision quite easy. Your comments, ranging from build quality to customer support were convincing enough, but when I had a chance to visit with a current owner in my area, and play touch-feely with the KK, this immediately sealed the deal. In addition, your comments about Dennis Linkletter, and specifically the personal touch he adds, was right on track. He answered my emails and telephone calls promptly, along with answering all of my questions/concerns.

I guess the only bad part of this whole process is now having to wait for my KK to arrive, and I'm sure many of you can emphasize with this part of the deal.

Once again, thanks for making this a great forum to interact with and I look forward to sharing my experiences with all

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Well, what color did you get, where do you live, do you have any other ceramic cooker already, how much grilling or barbequing have you done, are you getting a Stoker or a Guru...? Anybody else want to interrogate the newbie? Oh yeah, WELCOME!! Get your digital camera ready, too.

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Thanks for the Welcome

Okay MGuerra, I have officially sat myself in a chair, with an intensive lamp in my face, to better simulate the interrogation! So time for some answers. I chose the "Autumn Nebula/Bronze Metallic Mix" (image below) along with a pair of teak side tables. We have an outdoor kitchen with teak cabinets and this combination will really mix well. As far as my grilling/barbecuing experience goes, I would consider myself your basic novice, enough knowledge to cook up some pretty good meals, but still alot to learn from many of you folks. I have owned numerous grills (BGE, Hasty Bake, Kalamazoo Gas which I currently have, Traeger and your basic Weber Kettles) but have always been in a search for the one that will do it all = KK!

Firemonkey, thanks for the videos, I have watched them numerous times and they really helped me get a feel for what the KK is like in action. I thought you did a great job in the video highlighting the features and benefits of the KK, and really had a major influence on my decision. Thank you for that. As far as the KK that I was able to see, I visited "Bromeliad" up in Gainesville, who spent over an hour with me detailing his experiences with not only cooking with the grill, and what a terrific product it is, but also echoed many of your comments on what a great guy Dennis is and the outstanding customer support he provides. He is a really nice guy.

Hopefully I have answered some of your questions and really look forward to many more conversations in the future. I would also like to say hello to a few Air Force and Navy Pilots I heard are out there. I am an ex-F-16 pilot although my last stick time was back in the early 90's. Once again, thanks to all replies for the warm welcome and keep 'em coming!




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One More Answer

MGuerra --- BBQ Guru, Digi2 2 or CyberQ2is in my future. I still haven't made my mind up which unit I'm going to go with. I like the PC interface with the CQ2 but am not sure if I really need. I did pick up one of their Guru Golf Clubs and constructed a lighting system similar to what Firemonkey uses in his videos. Now I just can't wait to have a KK to light up!



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Wow, that's a good looking cooker. My current stick is a Lancair Columbia 350 and a Grumman Tiger. Instrument rated non-military pilot. Service on the Stoker is spotty but it's a good product. Service on the Guru products is superb, and it's good too! BTW, if you've seen the MIG in the AF Museum in Dayton, my dad was the F86 jock who accepted the surrender, and had trained guns on him as he taxied up, but there was a ground interlock so he couldn't fire. Good thing for the MIG driver, as it turned out! And for us too, since we got to examine and fly that bird thereafter.

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I went on a Boy Scout outing with my son and our Troop to Dayton a few years ago. So glad that I signed up as an ASM! We were able to walk through the Hanoi Taxi! I don't think the boys understood the significance, and I was way too young to have been drafted, but it still gave me chills to hear the stories. One of the other assistant scout masters was a phantom jock, he was pretty quiet that evening.

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Hi Steve!

I chose that tile as well. Wait 'til you see it in person!! The pictures don't begin to do justice to the luminance of the bronze metallic tiles and how they highlight the browns and golds of the autumn nebula tiles. It's truly beautiful!! I named it Havana because it reminds me of leather, cigars and cognac.


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Really cool. Early in my Air Force career I had to go thru POW training and we really got an education on what our POWs went through, and the amazing stories of how they persevered. All I can say is that must have been one sweet ride home. Hats off to the MAC boys that flew her and the individuals they returned home!

Thanks --- Steve

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Thanks so much for the color confirmation. What can we say, great minds think alike! I can't wait to see officially positioned in it's new home with that Florida sun sparkling off the surface.

Can you send me a picture of yours?

Thanks again --- Steve

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Doc, many thanks to your Dad for his service to our country. Those guys sure didn't get a fair shake on their return home. War's a nasty business, I appreciate his efforts, tell him thanks for me. Dad was a gunny in the Guard, at Fort Leonard Wood, and Camp(now Fort) McCoy in Wisconsin...too old to serve, I was too young. Not complaining.

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. Dad was a gunny in the Guard' date=' at Fort Leonard Wood, and Camp(now Fort) McCoy in Wisconsin...too old to serve, I was too young. Not complaining.[/quote']

Hey Dave

I finished my Army time at Camp McCoy after returning home from Vietnam---I almost stayed there---beautiful country and a Sportsman's Paradise

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