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New KK'er to be

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Hey y'all

Just ordered my KK! An autumn nebula/bronze beauty, apparently in stock! Thanks to Dennis for plenty of patience and great info!

I look to you all for cooking tips on the KK, but if you are in need of advice on:

Conversation topics around the grill

Chatting up women

Auburn football

How to use Propofol without killing your sorry ass

then I am your guy!

CAN"T WAIT!! Wonder if FedEx will overnight that bad boy? ;):o

Cheers to all, keep the beerz cold


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Oh boy, Dan, are you going to be a happy guy! I have that combination of tiles and it is smashing!!!

So, when do you expect it to arrive? The only bad thing about not having to wait while its on the boat is not having time to get all the cool accessories such as a torch, grill floss, stoker or guru, rotis, jammies, etc.


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So, when do you expect it to arrive? The only bad thing about not having to wait while its on the boat is not having time to get all the cool accessories such as a torch, grill floss, stoker or guru, rotis, jammies, etc.


:? HI Susan , thanks and I think it is great lookin! Hard for me to buy something sight-unseen but i hope it is aspretty in person.

I may have time after all. Aparently my grill was part of a shipment and there has been a hold up in LA. I hope no more than a day or 2 delay in shipping but I just realized I ain't got no good charcoal anyway!

Hey what is a grill floss when it is at home? Jammies I assume refers to acover and I did mean to ask whether one of these is really necessary? Cooker looks like it is relatively weather-proof. what's the deal?

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Welcome Dan!

Everyone on the KK forum should google the word "Braaivleis" if you are not familiar with the term already.

Dan, are you from South Africa originally?

Do more tHan Google! Come on over, bring beerz and I'll show ya!

I am an ex-Rhodesian, left in 1981 and won't go back until Mugabe meets his maker.

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Well, your new cooker is going to be solidly and wonderfully built. Not question. But water/freeze/thaw could have an impact on the grout. Of course, I don't believe that ordinary use and weather will be a problem, because the cooker is well constructed. But then there are the inevitable bird droppings.

I'm in NJ, and I believe strongly in my Jammy. Besides, it's pretty. :happy8:

Our own Johnnyboy makes a custom Sunbrella cover just for your cooker. Lots of colors, too. Not a nasty vinyl one. coverworks@hotmail.com

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My daughter's best friend's parents worked for the South African Consulate in Chicago, they moved to Joberg this spring. I was given a recipe for borewoerst(sic) and we had a great fest on the beach last summer! They taste very much like my bratwursts. Welcome to the "family". If you ever travel up north to Wilmette, give me a ring, we'll compare notes.

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I was given a recipe for borewoerst(sic) and we had a great fest on the beach last summer! They taste very much like my bratwursts. Welcome to the "family". If you ever travel up north to Wilmette' date=' give me a ring, we'll compare notes.[/quote']

Thanks Prime

No offense, but if your "boerie" tastes like your brats, somethin ain't right! I am starting a collection of boerie recipes. It is like brats in a way in that there is the 'traditional' recipe, but then everybody's granny has a variation, some good, some taste like, well, brats! I love brats, but I am more of a traditionalist when it comes to boerewors.

Boerewors means "farmer sausage" BTW

I will bring beer and boerie and we can indeed "compare notes". Is that like doing the cuccaracha after too much tequila??


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Ok you okes

Braai lesson #1


A high-tech braai. Great argument, especially after many shumbas (beerz). Most say wood is the way to go and that charcoal is "cheating"! I think wood wins out mainly because it takes longer to get a nice bed of coals, hence more beer drinking time!

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Re: resized to ~8kb

here is the pic resized.

Thanks you so much Tucker! I have been busy lately but good news is that #598 finally arrived yesterday!

I took some pics of the unpacking which I will post I hope this weekend.

Packing job was AWESOME! Well protected, well thought out and totally undamaged and intact. Great stuff Dennis, well done!

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