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Three Extruder Machines are in the House!

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Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House!

Sorry, just saw your reply, I was checking back on the arrival date as well!I'm going to be retailing the coal as soon as I can get my little paws on it!I don't get down to Moline very much, I usually take a northern route through Clinton or Dubuque when visiting family back in C.R. I'll let you know when I get some!

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Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House!

First charcoal goes to my customers who bought at the higher price.

Then to the customers who bought at the higher price but was refunded the difference between the adjusted price and original.

Then to KK owners, then to the rest of the world.

I have finally gotten confirmation from the shipping company for the container to go out next week. It will be on a different line with a 26 day schedule.

Still working out the density..

Best density is 525 grams per 20CM log, average is about 450 grams.

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Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House!


Do you have a signup sheet or a way for us to get on a list ???


Please send me an Email with coconut or charcoal in the subject.


There have been a number of us interested in teaming up on an order for Northern California. I have no experience teaming up (and no idea where I fall on Dennis' list). Is any of the NorCal people who expressed interest experienced enough to take the lead on pulling together a joint order?


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Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House!


What are you referring to when you mention those who bought at a higher price and so forth? Are you talking about coal that was bought when you sold coco coal before? Thanks.

Yes, I was given and tested samples that were a better quality than what eventually showed up. Because of this I unintentionally misrepresented the charcoal's attributes and so I discounted the charcoal.

It was still good charcoal but not what I wanted to be selling under the Komodo name. I gave refunds to some customers and others just asked my to make up the difference next time I had charcoal. I'll accept orders from these people first.


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Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House!

Are there any KK owners in the greater Baltimore/Washington DC metro area who are interested in a pallet share? I want some of this charcoal! Paswesley


I live near Gettysburg, PA and would be interested in a pallet share. It appears that your name is already on the waiting list. So if you think that you may be getting enough to go around, count me in. :wink:

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