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Corned Beef Hash

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fetch?id=68019fetch?id=68020fetch?id=68021 To get some smoke flavor into corned beef hash, cook the corned beef in a KK. This hash was made with leftovers from a 2.5 lb brined brisket point, cooked nine hours at 240 F to 260 F over hickory smoke to an internal temp of 195 F or so. Hash is always improvisational, so set proportions to taste. Cut up small potatoes and steam till nearly done; chill overnight or put briefly in the freezer. Saute diced onion, carrots in olive oil, with freshly ground black pepper, till somewhat caramelized. Add tomatoes, capers, parsley. (Our tomatoes are partially dehydrated freezer packs from last summer's garden; the capers are salt-packed from Sicily, and the parsley is fresh from the garden.) Set aside. Fry the potatoes in ghee till browned. Add the corned beef and as it warms up, break up into smaller pieces. Combine with the tomato mixture, and serve. Hash pretty much works with any leftover 'que, if corned beef isn't what's on hand. Try for example pork butt.
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