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Three picnic pork butts and a Cuban Sandwich

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I finally got some cooking done this weekend. Decided to make a bunch of pulled pork to stock up on in the freezer. It freezes so well and is delicious, as if it is cooked fresh. I gave one of these to my father and then made a few sandwiches. The Cuban Sandwich is good, Panini style of course. n74481 n74483

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Re: Three picnic pork butts and a Cuban Sandwich

The sandwich is very tasty. It is a "Cuban Sandwich"...and this sandwich has some variants to it. Basically, it is the pulled pork, cheese ( i used Havarti), 2 thin slices of ham, and the bread had a home made "Apple Butter BBQ Sauce" applied to both halves before toasting. Most recipes call for Dill Pickles to be in it...i hate Dill Pickles, so none for me. Other recipes add Salami as well, or instead of Ham. If you goodle Cuban Sandwich, you will see tons.

As for Panini style or not, if you don't toast the sandwich it 'loses' a lot. I definitely recommend toasting it.


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