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Differences between 23 and 32 KKs

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Nanuk - I have. 32" BB known as TheBeast. I've never cooked on a 23" Ultimate. I don't know of anyone here who has both a 32" and a 23".

That said, there probably won't be any difference between them except issues dealing with differences in size. Recipes remain the same. At least that is the way it is when I cook on my 19" instead of TheBeast. I can load up TheBeast with a HUGE amount of food. Beauty! is considerably more dainty and really isn't the workhorse that TheBeast is.

What you will find is a difference in time to heat soak the different KKs. TheBeast is a beast of a cooker. I'll heat soak him for 2 hours or so before big cooks. The 19", aka Beauty! will only take an hour or so to soak. After shut down, because TheBeast has so much thermal mass, he bleeds heat slowly. Beauty! is much smaller and it takes much less time for her to bleed stored heat.

Shut down times are about the same. TheBeast is cavernous inside, so he has a lot more O2 to burn up before the fire goes out, but we're talking 30 minutes versus maybe something like 15 minutes for Beauty! The rate at which lump is consumed during a cook seems to be similar between Beauty! & TheBeast.

Hope this helps.

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Fernando - if you rarely get more than 8 folks at the table, there is really no need for a KK BB 32", at least in my mind. A 23" Ultimate will serve your needs just fine. You can put a lot of food on a 23" and still have a lot of room left. But I'll tell you this ... no matter which way you decide, you'll have the finest cooker in Houston or Mexico City!

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I have a 23", and unless you're regularly cooking very large amounts, or you just want a 32", the 23" is extremely capable and versitile. I cook 8-10, 1 1/2" ribeyes regularly on the lower grill, which is smaller than the main, plus you have the reversible grill that can either sit directly on the firebox, or on the main, giving you an upper level. It's way more usable and functional than other grills its size, personally I think it's just right.


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