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More RAM

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It means it's more novelty than a solution.

Considering the chart above, when the computer works from the flash drive, it's taking about a week (scaled time measure) to do so. Compare that with actual ram which can be accessed in a couple of minutes (again, scaled).

I guess if your grinding on a swap file on magnetic disk, flash looks like a 4 fold increase. But ram is affordable, so why not go from 5 days down to 5 seconds?

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Great... love that chart!

Once you work with/on a SSD you can never go back.. but keep them well backed up because when they go/crash there is no possibility of recovery.

You are right Dennis.   Replacing a traditional hard drive with and SSD should be upgrade priority #1 for just about anyone not already running their system off an SSD.  As you said, once you experience your computer running off an SSD, you'll never want to go back to a regular hard drive.  This can't be emphasized enough.

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