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I Can't Stop - Sunday Morning, December 3rd (Cook #3)

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Third Cook


All I did was rub it with salt and freshly ground pepper.


Put it on the upper grill @ 225-223. At this writing its @ 106 after 3 hours. I plan on taking it off @ 190-200. I prefer my beef rare but my wife likes it well done and as long as its juicy I'll eat it.

Any advice or comments welcome between now and take off time.

Thanks in advance.

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At 190-200 it will be falling apart like Que. Do you want it well done (able to slice it) or falling apart (like que)? If you just want it well done, you can take it off at 160 center temp (medium for beef), wrap it in several layers of tin foil and place it in an insulated cooler to rest for another hour. I usually place towels in it too to remove any extra airspace and insulate the meat more. It will continue to cook and should reach your 170 (well done for beef) mark in about an hour. After you unwrap it, might wanna let it sit out on your cutting board an additional 30 minutes to cool or risk loosing all your juice on the first cut.


Here is a tip for you since your wife likes well done!


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Do you want it well done (able to slice it) or falling apart...


Talk about serendipity. I read your link


tip before I read this reply!

I asked wifey and the responded "...falling apart ' Yeah I'm whipped and proud to be so!:smt040

So I'll take it off at 180 and wrap it up.

Thanks again...Tom

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14 hours, 171 degrees, double wrapped in foil and two bath towels and put to bed in a cooler.

It plateaud at 151 @ 7pm so I opened the top another 1/8th turn and the temp slowly began rising over the the next 5 hours from 230 and was at 380 at midnight.

It looked and smelled fabulous in the full moon light. Nighty Night. Pictures Tomorrow!

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