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Lid Adjustment

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Finally get 'er off the trailer and in position (poor thing had to spend the night in an open trailer) and having one minor problem already. The lid won't stay OPEN .

Thoughts? Suggestions? Going to hard getting things on and off while holding lid with my head! Broom stick too short...., angle between the lid and body is too drastic for a piece of wood to hold it up.... Still trying other ideas until a solution is found... maybe a block and tackle or wenching system.. hmmmm


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Re: Lid Adjustment

Finally get 'er off the trailer and in position (poor thing had to spend the night in an open trailer) and having one minor problem already. The lid won't stay OPEN



This is normal. Dennis had to loosen the spring for the shipment so it would have a better chance against the shippers. Tighten the nut on the bottom of the spring (with the lid unlatched) and stop tightening when you are happy with how far it opens at rest. :D

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As usual, nothing goes as planned.. after problems w/ the trailer and my unloading helper deciding to attend his company x-mas party instead of unloading the trailer at night....


Finally Saturday comes along and it gets put in place....



Without a thermomter, couldn't get into heavy cooking although I did cook a rack of ribs. I see what everyone means by how easy it is to lite these cookers - wow!

Tried to keep it low, indirect, cooked for a little over 3 hours.. very good and JUUUUIICCCCCYYYYYYYYY again WOW!

Looking forward to getting thermo so I can do a few low 'n slows.

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thanks fellas... The beer (a Peroni) helped take the edge off the whole U-haul fiasco, plus was a small celebration that I finally had a ceramic, missile shaped, heat transfer unit. :wink:

And I get to work this morning and there's my owners manual in the email box. D'oh!!! My fault though, Dennis and I had been communicating with two different emails so NOW I get to read and prep for next weeks cooking.

Let the games begin!


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Ya bunch a girly men ...freakin directions...whoever read the freaken directions anyways

I admit it...I'm a lezbian trapped in a man's body! :smt045:smt045:smt045:smt045:smt045

And I never said I would read the directions...I just want them. I've done alright so far w/ my KK Gigantor....just ask me.

Still wating on that manual.

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