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Pork Crackling

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Does anyone have a good method for pork crackling???

I tried a high cook (500F for 30 minutes) followed by a normal cook 325 for an hour and a half but it still didn't work... The middle bit of the crackling (on top) was fine but the sides were not crackled...

Oh yeah I then followed up by trying to (midway during the meal) make the side crackling too ...

Ended up with charcoal crackling.... SH!T...could have been the beer and wine...and me not being able to judge how it was progressing..

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Are you asking about the British version of crackling, or the US (cajun) variety? I have only heard of the US version (pieces of pork fat with some skin attached) being deep fried.

The Brits seem to be fond of a think crispy layer of skin on the outside of their pork roasts. I only know this because of my dealing with the UK office for my company. I typically want as little fat left on the roast as possible, and either trim or cook it off, so I 'm afraid I cant be of any help with a working KK technique if this is what you are after.

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