I don't know of anyone who has not named their family addition. Komodo Kamada is not just a kooker. They will be in the families for generations. It is a challenge to help them do as only they can do. Some of us have been known to reach over and give them a little pat.
My Komodo Kamada is named Ralph.
Ralph was a young airman I knew in service. He did exactly as told. It was advisable that one knew what they wanted Ralph to do. Ralph did not make mistakes only I did.
I will never sell my Ralph.
tony - that cook ain't money .... IT'S BANK! Gorgeous money shots! Now my stomach is growling and I'm drool like the fool I am. And it's all your fault!
So a retired nuclear engr, huh? That explains everything! LOL! You are one seriously smart dude. Quantum Mech whipped mt like a rented mule. Kudos!