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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Marinated 4 chicken drumsticks in Frank's Red Hot Sauce for a few hours before putting them on the grill. Ready for the grill. On the grill. Did baked potato and that was served with a side of squash. Instead of dipping the potato in a saline solution I just dipped a moist potato into the salt. About an hour at 350-375F and the drumsticks are done. The drumsticks were unbelievable moist. I was amazed. 2 more today for dinner. I enjoyed these so much that I'm doing something that I rarely and I mean rarely do and that is I'm doing another batch of drumsticks tomorrow.:) There must be something in the water.;)
    1 point
  2. Wanted to try Coffee char with burgers this evening. Saw a post recently about smoking burgers over Coffee char, but couldn't find it. Remembering what I could, here's what I did... Using basket splitter to create 2-zone cooking, filled one side of basket with Coffee char. Lit lump, and waited for temp to increase to about 150° Put burgers on lower grate over indirect heat, to smoke while temp ramped up to 300° Slid burgers over direct heat. Didn't keep track of time. When done (Miss Jean likes them medium-well), moved them over indirect side to melt cheese i gotta tell you, these were REALLY tasty burgers. I'm reluctantly posting a picture to keep people from giving me that "No pictures, didn't happen" phrase. When you see the double slice of cheese, and the mound of grilled onions, you're probably going to say that's too much, but remember that's the way we like 'em. I'm loving that Coffee char! What wonderful flavor!
    1 point
  3. CK, you are so right, one male arrived just a few minutes ago and it was at the kitchen window feeder. As usual I heard it before I saw it. Love the flutter of those little wings. All is right with the world now.:)
    1 point
  4. Roasting cauliflower and garlic over CocoChar on my twenty-three. EVO + sea salt + fresh cracked pepper + toasted ground cumin seed over the raw cauliflower turns it into sublime palate sensation after a session with the KK at 550º
    1 point
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