They were real good Bruce, much better than the market. Funny story Bruce while I got you here. This morning I let the dogs out and they bee lined right for the garden and shed area and began sniffing intently. I inspected the garden and found my cucumbers that were climbing up the fence devoured. I suspected a woodchuck done me in and I had the trap to do him in. The trap was set with celery, one of Ckreef's cherries and a slice of red pepper and then left the house for about three hours on errands. Came back and there he was sitting pretty in the trap if my name ain't Jerimiah Johnson and all the food was gone. So I decided we needed to take a ride down some lonely dark country road...............nah I didn't kill him, just moved him into a new neighborhood. The next time this happens and I trap his big brother I was thinking,, Mac lives in the boonies, it could make a good cook, maybe she'll share one of her woodchuck recipes. You know up thare in Nova Scotia they don't waste a thing