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Everything posted by Carpetride

  1. Re: KK Covers coming? Yes, please add me to your list of those wanting/needing a cover as well.
  2. Re: Thermoworks Bluetherm Duo I've actually had similar concerns but then I remember that it will take two gorillas to move it.
  3. Re: Thermoworks Bluetherm Duo Note to self...bring bolt cutters when I come to get smokeyDaves cooker . Sorry I couldn't help but notice the chain.
  4. Re: Buying decision help requested! I can honestly say that my gasser hasn't been used since purchasing my KK last winter. I have several pellet cookers that do get used as well but the gasser simply doesn't.
  5. Re: KK in NY Times Firemonkey I'm similar to you in that I've gotten several friends interested in ceramics when they see my work of art on the deck but they simply won't throw down the cash for one. I've suggested that they consider the Kamado Joe over the Egg.
  6. Re: Rye Whiskey Recommendations I spent the afternoon at a friends house today and he offered me a manhattan made with Templeton Rye small batch. What nice drink. Definitely added to my list.
  7. How many boxes or pounds come on a pallet? I might be interested in a share and I am located in the bootheel of Missouri. I can handle the pallet and storage with no problem. I go to STL and MEM regularly and could possibly do some drop offs at some point.
  8. Re: KK Coming to WI You will enjoy it.
  9. Re: First 3 available Ultimate Big Bad 32" grills shipped Beg for forgiveness.
  10. Re: Pizza Stone - direct or indirect? Are you using the deflector?
  11. Re: Standing Rib Roast I'm just a believer in cooking to internal temp not time. That being said I have never taken the temp on a regular rack of ribs though
  12. Re: New here WOW! That's all I can say after receiving my cooker today. Overbuilt is an understatement. I didn't get a chance to fire it up this evening but hope to tomorrow. Glad I have a tractor with a set of pallet forks on it, I set pallet and all right up on my deck and then uncrated it. Payed some ply wood down with some supports underneath and rolled right off into position. It's taller than I envisioned but I'm ok with that
  13. Re: First KK in Perth, Australia Congrats! I'm in the hurry up and wait mode myself.
  14. Re: New here Thanks for all input. I will have a Vibrant Blue on my deck in the very near future.
  15. Re: New here Are you using rib racks to get 9 on? I tend to cook baby backs. Normally when I cook them it will be 4 or 5 racks at a time.
  16. Re: New here Thanks for the replies so far, I'm very tempted to wait and see the 32 but it strikes me as probably being too big for my needs when I read the comparison that Dennis posted for me earlier. I've got the FEC and a large Traeger 125 if i really need a lot of additional space. Also this won't be my first time with charcoal as I used to own a large Stumps GF224 7 rack model but I found things in that particular design that I did not care for. I have been known to over do things and "think" I will just stick with the 23 this time around. Always going to be something bigger and better but hey no one ever said that you can't own two! From the sounds of it the 32 would be well suited for a country club or even a restaurant situation...just sounds really big to me.
  17. Re: New here Sure did! I just saw your pm on email a bit ago, thanks. I've been lurking here for a few days now. I've already sent an email double checking the inventory, I think we like the Vibrant Blue but they are all beautiful.
  18. Hi all, I'm from the bootheel of Missouri and I've been slow cooking bbq for a while now. I'm considering adding a ceramic cooker to the arsenal although I have never cooked on one. Anyone here make the KK their first ceramic grill? My wife is actually encouraging me buying it but I enjoy the research and even the wait just a bit. I currently cook on an FEC-100 and like the insulated aspect on it and plan to keep it. I have several other pellet cookers as well but use them to a much lesser degree. I like the idea of being able to sear a steak with the KK as well. Safe to assume that the ceramic will be a slightly moister environment? What questions should I be asking here? Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions. Trent
  19. Re: Gen 2.6~New Prices posted.. Gen 2.2 prices until Dec 1st Anything you can share with us about the coming 32"? Maybe in terms of size comparison to the 23" and pricing.
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