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About U2PLT

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    Senior Member


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    BBQ,Wood Turning,Fishing
  • Occupation
    Retired Air Force

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  1. Re: Full size KK cabinet with Cobalt Blue tile insert When is it available? Cozy
  2. Re: Finishing side tables There are two companies that make a very thin two part epoxy sealer that would work great. I have small !/2 pint sized part A & B from both at not high cost. They are: Smith & Company, 5100 Channels Av., Richmond CA. 94804. Torginal Inc., 710 Forest Ave., Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085-0102. 1-800-558-7596. You can get a sample size if you ask for it. Cozy
  3. Re: Accessory Grill (VersaGrill) I would like one. Tell me how. Cozier Kline [email protected].
  4. Re: North Dallas Locations? I live in Pottsboro, Tx 75076 75 miles north of Dallas 14 miles west of Sherman, Dennison. I have of Gen 2. Cozy Kline 501 Cottonwood Lane Pottsboro, Texas
  5. Re: Pepper Mill If you go to www.cozycrafted.com you will find by clicking on "Products" a picture of my award winning design using a Bronze grinder with a cast iron grinder that can grind large amounts in short order. I won first place at Texas State Fair Creative Arts in "Wood Turning". It works great but is also beautiful.
  6. Re: Online Source for Lump Charcoal Ozark Oak is made by 4th generation at Snow,Arkansas you go north of US412 which runs across North Arkansas. I used to go by there on my way to the White River for trout fishing. I would stop by the Ozark Oak factory and they would sell it to me; buying 10 bags for $2.50 a bag.I could not carry more than 10 with my class C RV.
  7. Re: Elevation and Ambient Temperature - Factors? The surface thermometer will get some residue on its surface, but I have always been able to read the temp. After I am done I have cleaned it off easily.
  8. Re: Got my KK - ready to cook - questions Both my son Tom & I have KK and use the rotisserie a lot for chicken & turkey. WE have found that we put nothing between the fire and the birds. It gives us a great skin and the dripping off the bird justs burns up and we like the taste from this. We cook with the thermometer on the lid maintained at least 350*.
  9. Re: Elevation and Ambient Temperature - Factors? I have a grill surface SS thermometer that I like to use when not using my Guru. For this turkey day I cooked 3- 9# turkey breasts with ribs in them so I mounted all 3 on Chicken Ups. I like to have the temperature at the grill level as well as what the KK one shows. The humidity in the KK is going to be a function of the moisture coming off the birds more than anything else. I have seen up to 10 to 15 degree less on the grill than what is shown on the KK in the lid. There is no question that your birds were pre brined with 6% to 10% of body weight. All the USA birds have it since it is a cost increase at turkey cost per pound. Some birds even have a statement that the bird will cook at a faster rate than those that are not. The grill surface thermometer is made for www.mrbarbq.com & is good to 600* F.
  10. Baking On The KK. No-Knead; Organic Bread Flour With Sourdough Starter At 450* F in Enameled 3QT Cast Iron Dutch Oven. Tastes Great.
  11. Forscher Scimitar Knife Go to: www.webstaurantstore.com/rh-forsher-12- ... le/3534063.
  12. Brisket Did you use any rub or something else?
  13. Fly Fishing for Strippers Lake Texoma is great for fly fishing for Stripers. There is a Texas guide you can google about it. Last week he had a customer and they caught several in 9 to 11 pound range. I used to fish for stripers a lot with nothing but artificial lures for several years, have caught several above 20#. But at 81 years old the lose of all cartilage in shoulders my casting days are over.
  14. Low & Slow If you get to hot even ato 350* you just have to shut the top & bottom totally and it will come down slowly, then at your desired temperature open top no more than 1/5 of a turn and lower grate just a little. Then you can adjust with fine adjustments.
  15. SS Baskets Goto:www.williams-sonoma.com, they have several SS baskets with detachable handles, but pricey.
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