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Posts posted by Poochie

  1. My Komodo is in Harahan LA right now. This is real close to Robert and about 140 miles from my house. Looks like Monday or Tuesday is the day the stork brings baby home. We haven't had rain in a month and a half and they're predicting it for all next week. What a surprise!

  2. Is the pedestal you're talking about the small wooden box right in the center?  I just got my PDF of the owners manual today and it said one way to get the Komodo off of it was to place a 2x4 against it and hit the 2x4 with a hammer or whatever to collapse the box. The second way is to rock the Komodo until it comes off of it. I believe another member did the rocking thing recently. 

  3. He was 70 or 71 at the last live concert when I went. He did have trouble hitting some of the higher notes. But I'm mainly talking Beatles as a group. I like the Stones too. Someone said that if we have a nuclear war, the only left alive would be roaches and Keith Richards.

  4. A boat would cost more, motorcycle...more, hunting now days costs a fortune. There are all kinds of way to justify it. Heck, a really good camera costs mucho bucks. You know you can't wait until the end of of the year, so why fight it? You also know that these jaspers  won't leave you alone until you get one.  Go with the force, Luke!

  5.  Yep, he's still around.  Doesn't look anymore like he did in that photo, but he's still in shape. He was in Enter the Dragon and several VanDamm movies (Bloodsport). The one and only Bolo Yeung.

    So Bolo is a name I'm tossing around for the Bronze Komodo

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  6. Another update. My Bronze Komodo will be in Texas tonight. I live in Louisiana so it's within reach. I also received my CyberQ today. Easy peasy! I had it search for my wifi. Found it. Selected it and put in my password and that's it. It works! I can change temperatures with my iPhone and iPad and Mac. Check on it, set alarms. It was almost too easy to set up. I didn't configure email on it because I don't want that right now.

       Anyway, it's all here but the cooker. I've been thinking of names for it. It's fairly short, bright, will kick ass, and looks great. So who did I think of? Do you guys recognize this guy?



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