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Posts posted by Poochie

  1. Long day today.  But let's go straight to the first cook.

    Couple of sweet taters and some fresh pork and green onion sausage.



    A little while later






    And now the star of our show. The fillet triplets:



    On the new 21" Bronze smoker:



    And in the drip pan that does double duty as a serving pan






    And finally, the money shot



    Heat control is a breeze on this thing. Jacked it to 600 for the fillets and it was ready and willing. Easy to light, easy to control, and fun to use. Can't beat that combination. And by the way, the food was delicious.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks for all the kind words. It really is a work of art. I'm in the final countdown of the burn in and it did do some venting. No tiles were raised in the process. One last area just finished venting, so I stuck the grills in it so the factory whatever can burn off of them. Pouring down rain again today, but everything is in the shop so we're good to go. I'm dismantling the 2 pallets and all the slats right now. BIG job doing that. Anyway, I should be done with all this prep stuff by tonight.

  3. Please tell me a site that you're happy with to host your photos. A site that provides direct links to copy and paste to this forum is what I'm looking for. I'm using Photobucket, and while it's serviceable, it's slower than Christmas.  As an added bonus, I edited some photos and when I uploaded them, they come out unedited on the site. I don't know how it did that. 

      Anyway, I'm ready to switch to whatever. 

  4. I'll give the beginning and end tonight. Boring details later. 

    The beginning:



    The end:



    I called Dennis a couple of times, but it really wasn't needed. I found what I was looking for while on the phone with him. The dude has the patience of a saint.

    Unloading the 18 wheeler took a while since it was done in the pouring rain. Anyway, I'll fill in the details later. I'm going to do the burn in tomorrow morning. Maybe even cook on it tomorrow night.  I see that my shop floor needs cleaning.

  5. Tinyfish, that dessert pizza was Da Bomb! Gorgeous decoration! 


    Poochie is right (SHOCKING!) All things in the mint family (e.g., oregano, marjoram, lemon balm) propagate by shooting out runners. Need to be contained or they go rampant. Even have to be careful in a raised bed, as I've had it "escape" one of those! I grow anything in this group in pots on my deck. 


    You grow them right next to that stuff you smoke before you get on the forums. We know about the oregano.

  6. Just a heads up about planting mint...it takes over world!!! We planted some and in no time at all it was everywhere and you couldn't get rid of it...like a banana tree, it won't die. If you could confine it to a container, that would be the ticket.

  7. You snagged yourself a beautiful Komodo, Penelope!  I'm sure you two are going to have that thing cooking for weeks non-stop. Mine should be here tomorrow so I'll join the crowd of new Komodo owners. Again, congratulations and keep the pictures coming.

  8. I have a Wagner heat gun too. I used to use it on a K Joe I had and it would light the lump fast. I have a weed burner, Weber cubes, the Wagner gun, and some other cardboard looking starter bars. One way or the other, I'll get it lit. I used the weed burner on my offset pit to light wood and charcoal to get it started and it worked like a champ. Harbor Freight is your friend

  9. Trucking company just called and said delivery most likely between 1 and 3.  I told them that they can't come too early. I usually get up around 3am. She also said the dude would help me get it in the shop. That was good news but I still plan to put some bucks in his hand to make him more eager.

      I know I can cook on it during the curing process but I don't want to open and close it while it's doing his thing. This is a one time deal so I'll just dedicate 4-5 hours to it. Thanks for all the encouraging comments from everyone.

  10. I called the "secondary" trucking company today.  One truck brought it from California and a different trucking line got it from them in Harrahan LA. and brought it to Lafayette.  They told me today that they'd deliver it tomorrow.  :toothy7:   :toothy8:  They couldn't give me a time or even morning or evening, but I don't give a flying fish. I'm so happy to get it tomorrow that they can come at midnight if they want to.  They did ask if an 18 wheeler could come down my street.  I told them it's a subdivision and the girl said "if we can't come with an 18 wheeler, you'll have to notify the originating party.....I said "Whoa!  OK, come with the 18 wheeler. It'll be fine." I wasn't about to give them a reason to delay bringing it.  Anyway, depending on when they come, I'll have pictures on here either tomorrow night or Wednesday. Burn in Wednesday for sure. Animal on it no later than Thursday.

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