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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. It was such a quick read that I thought I would cut and paste the article here: (Love the quotes in the 4th - 6th sentences... Spoken like true lawyers :twisted: Idiots... :roll: )

    Cookbook pulped over 'ground black people' typo

    (AP) – Apr 17, 2010

    SYDNEY — An Australian publisher is reprinting 7,000 cookbooks over a recipe for pasta with "salt and freshly ground black people."

    Penguin Group Australia's head of publishing, Bob Sessions, acknowledged the proofreader for the Pasta Bible should have picked up the error, but called it nothing more than a "silly mistake."

    The "Pasta Bible" recipe for spelt tagliatelle with sardines and prosciutto was supposed to call for black pepper.

    "We're mortified that this has become an issue of any kind and why anyone would be offended, we don't know," he told The Sydney Morning Herald for a story printed Saturday.

    "We've said to bookstores that if anyone is small-minded enough to complain about this ... silly mistake, we will happily replace (the book) for them."

    The reprint will cost Penguin 20,000 Australian dollars ($18,500), but books already in stores will not be recalled because doing so would be "extremely hard," Sessions said.

    There was no answer at Penguin's offices Sunday.

    Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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  2. Susan (All),

    This was just DJ's experience but I thought it might be relevant to your discussions regarding your choice in Rotis Motors:

    http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... r&start=30

    Look for the "Drunk_J" post about half-way down the page when he says he got his rotis and motor. Read all the posts for this page and onto the next page. Good arguments to move away from the battery powered rotis motor and move to the AC Motor (50 lb.) I went this way and have been happy...

    Hope this helps! (and yes, before anyone posts that this is about the rotis unscrewing - I get that. Just a friendly suggestion from a fellow KK'er about the motor choice) 8)

  3. So, I heard earlier that if I lived right next to the water I would get tired of being able to go prawning, crabbing, fishing etc. Let's take a moment and examine that statement -

    I love my wife so I married her - that's working out!

    I love beer so I bought a kegerator - that's working out!

    I love great smoked/'bbq/rotis food so I bought a KK - that's working out!

    I'm starting to think that if I lived next to the water where I could fish, crab, prawn, just float and drink beer - Then I would by a boat and everything would work out too!!!

    Call me crazy, but I don't think I would get tired of it! :lol::lol::lol:

    Nice haul T-Rex! I am quite jealous!

  4. Heh Heh... Those two ducks would taste mighty fine on on a KK!!! :twisted:

    As for the sparrows - don't sweat it. If you have a bird that you prefer to see, lay out the appropriate seed. Ultimately, they will start to nest around your home and you can see the finches more often. As for the "rat" of the bird world, I'm going to have to nominate the pigeon.... or maybe the cowbird...

  5. Keep posting these "first xxxx" stories of success Larry! The pics are always very good and your write-ups match as well! One can never get enough food porn!

    Also, kudos for not paying attention to the "pop-up" indicator. I can just about guarantee this, if it does pop-up, your dinner is dry! :lol::lol:

    Keep 'em coming! Great job!

  6. Thanks Conodo' date=' It is a pretty thing. I managed to find a 6" Roti. and ordered a cover from Johnnyboy. Since I am not up on what a guru or stoker can do for me, think I'l just learn by do it yourself for a while. Wondering if one of those maverick or other brand temp. gadgets would be a plus. Any thoughts on this.[/quote']

    I think what you will find is that if you go the Guru or Stoker route (or even Maverick), you will either end up depending on the electronics to cook for you or you will learn to live without the Guru or Stoker. For me, it is quickly becoming the latter. I really like my Guru. For overnight cooks, it provides a level of insurance that helps me sleep and make great food. However, my overnight cooks are much less frequent than my day cooks. When cooking with the Guru for everyday cooks, I learned to look at the Guru temp and then look at the dome temp (heat soaked KK of course). Now that I know what dome temp correlates to my cooking surface temp, I don't ever break out the Guru. Bottom line, if the dome temp is dialed in to what my Guru temp would be, then why bother? As you become more familiar with the KK, (practice practice) you get a feel for how long each type and size of meat takes to cook. I use a meat temp thermometer to check chicken, turkey before serving. Most red meats I just cut open. For ribs, they tell me when they are done, not the other way around. I simply watch for that meat to pull back from the bone for my rib cooks. A final "pull" test let's me know my ribs are ready.

    So, certainly get a thermometer to train yourself how to dial in the right temps on your KK. Once you have that down, you won't be needing a cooking thermometer very often. Just natural draft controls (the way Dennis designed it), the TruTemp and some practice. You'll be the envy of the neighborhood in no time! 8)

  7. Excellent work Dennis! Do you know if Kingsford is planning some type of event to unveil the KK's (as in the way OCC unveils bikes for companies or celebrities)? Or maybe they are for employee recognition? Give us the deets! A dozen KK's is a great order - you must be very proud!

  8. Bark burns fast...

    If your smokewood is dried, just add the amount of chunks you want with the bark on when you light your KK. By the time you come up to temp and heat-soak a bit, the bark will be burned off and you will be smoking with the light blue-grey translucent smoke that is perfect for BBQ! 8)

  9. Larry - I wouldn't count on that hotspot being in the back of your KK moving forward. Often times, a hotspot is just the nature of that particular load of lump. I have moved my guru temp probe all around the cooking area and very rarely do I find a cooler or hotter spot. Make sure that after you load your lump to pick up the basket by the handles and give it a couple of good shakes to settle all the lump evenly. You should get very consistent results using this method.

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