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Posts posted by jonj

  1. Unlike your previous Weber, things on the KK side tables don’t get particularly warm even during a high temp pizza cook. While the cabinet is a great idea for storage, unless it is in very close proximity to your grill I imagine work flow would suffer without at least one side table (probe temp monitor, tongs, baste, beverage(s), etc.). 

    My 23 has side tables while my 16 (which I use much more often) does not. Even with a work surface directly behind me for the 16, I am often looking for a place to put something on while cooking on it.

    My advice is to think through your work process, then decide. But don’t let the Weber experience influence your decision as it just isn’t relevant. Best wishes on your new KK whichever you decide.




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  2. 12 hours ago, Syzygies said:

    Does anyone have good sources for Pimento wood?

    Here are a couple of places I have used. Pimento Wood is a US-based importer; MyIslandJamaica is in Jamaica. Tony also uses MyIslandJamaica and we both ordered and received some wood from Wellesley this summer, but it isn't shown on the Etsy site right now. May be worth an email to him.

    Both sites also have leaves and berries. MyIslandJamaica also has a wide variety of other Jamaican products (curry, molasses, lemon grass, etc.). 



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  3. It seems one would need to install the cold smoker sleeve into older KKs to take advantage of the new bracket. I know Dennis offered these at one time, but I don't see them in the parts or accessory section. They came in two sizes, depending upon your tile size. I'd like to get one for my 23KK instead of using the guru port. I think one would also need the straight smoker tube instead of the original bent tube which was designed for the guru port location (lower on the KK body).

    Dennis, do you still make these available?

  4. I'm not sure about the 3-2-1 bit but here is my margarita recipe.

    2 oz Tres Generacións Anejo

    1 oz Cointreau

    1 oz Grand Marnier

    juice of 1 Persian lime (if traditional size - if one of those large, mutant limes, 1/2). Generally, about 1 - 1 1/2 oz.

    All into a cocktail shaker with 8-10 oz cracked ice. Shake for a minimum of 30 seconds to blunt the alcohol. Pour into a salt-rimmed glass.




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  5. I just got on the site for the first time since the new servers, etc. Weird layout (very vertical and narrow, with 1/3 of the page on the right as white space). Also can't see the prior pictures. Can't say I care much for it.

    If anyone discovers a setting which clears up the above issues, I would be grateful to receive it.

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  6. You might check out Burrfecion (https://www.youtube.com/c/Burrfection). Ryky Tran has been doing YouTube videos on knife sharpening and knife reviews for several years. He is no longer going to be making new videos (he is going to be writing a book about Japanese artisan knife makers) but he has quite a library of videos on stone comparisons, usage, sharpening techniques, knife reviews, etc. Worth a look to see if you like his style. The production value dramatically increased as he become more well known, but the content is always solid.

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